"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: Universe: Fifth Edition, Undaunted Courage (only because I haven't read it yet) and my math textbook... (Like Undo though, I'd go for my comp. first).

Q: House is burning blah blah blah... What three movies would you take?
A1: Dammit, hard to choose. Depending on my mood (and on which one was the last one i saw), i'd probably have to choose three from my list of around 20 favorite films. Too hard a question for me.

A2: I only pass the towel once so my shirt doesn't get all wet. I like wet hair. :)

Q: You?
A: Yes, I can't stand wet hair.
Q: Who is your role model (if you have one)?
A: Of course ;)
Q: Are you excited that you will reach 3000 posts soon? GOD I AM SO BORED
A:Nah, I don't get excited about number of posts, I get excited about talking with interesting people instead :)

Q: Would you support the use of instant physical teleportation 'sci-fi'-style if it were available?
A: I guess I would at first, but if my body could survive it, I'd be keen for all the possibilities it would open.

Q: What is the first band name that comes to your mind when you see the word 'passionate'?
A: Real band name? His Infernal Majesty (don't ask why; i don't really consider those wannabe-goth, love-song-crazy, fairly-good musicians too passionate).

Q: What's the first band name that comes to your mind when you hear/read the word 'elegy'?