"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: Yes (again, see www.badastronomy.com I swear that the author reads this forum and debunks our myths)
Q: What time did you go to bed last night (if you did at all)?
A: Yes, I think
Q: Is that the thing you get bearshare from?
A : Because they wear crowns made out of other bird's feathers.

Q : Which one do you prefer : Lemmings or Worms Armageddon?
A: Sure
Q: Do you agree that your new badass thing in your avatar could kick the lich's ass?
A: Since you turned me down...
Q: Lich or Lich in battle clothes?
A: Lich in koala clothes
Q: Whats more badass: Furcoat made out of chinchilas or the quote in my sig?