"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: Harry Potter. I was disappointed since I expected it to be darker than the fifth movie as it was in the books and then it would have been a good movie, but it was more of a teenage love movie.

Q: Have you ever worked in a fast-food restaurant?
A: Sure. The worlds top onomatopoeia experts will be called in to try to describe the sound of that bus hitting me. Failing to reach a consensus, they will simply have to agree that the sound was totally death metal.

Q: Why can't we all just...get along?
A: Some war general on a Mescaline binge, trying to figure out which button turns the TV to porn.

Q: Why do we drive on a parkway and park in a driveway?
A: Yes you did. It was go to Vegas with two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid. A salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy full of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers. Also, a quart of tequila, quart of rum, case a Budweiser, pint of raw ether, two dozen amyls. Not that you need all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to take it as far as you can.

Q: Is the only thing that really worries you, the ether?
A: No, it is the Budweiser. Why would anyone take any Budweiser anywhere, it doesn't taste good? Even the original Czech Budweiser beer is not that great although it is a lot better than the American one.
Oh and I always have some ether with me, you never know when you need it.

Q: Should I postpone taking an exam (not really important one, but still I have to take it) just for going to one concert? It is Ulver though.
A: No, it is the Budweiser. Why would anyone take any Budweiser anywhere, it doesn't taste good? Even the original Czech Budweiser beer is not that great although it is a lot better than the American one.
Oh and I always have some ether with me, you never know when you need it.

Q: Should I postpone taking an exam (not really important one, but still I have to take it) just for going to one concert? It is Ulver though.

A: go for it, if it's truly not important and can be postponed without nasty consequences.

Q: how do I get rid of my buyer's remorse?
A: go for it, if it's truly not important and can be postponed without nasty consequences.

Q: how do I get rid of my buyer's remorse?

A: Sleep the night off after a binge, wake up and buy something else. Preferable something very exciting at first, for about a month. Then you put it away and forget about it.

Q: Should Wintersun rename "Time" to be "Finnish Democracy"?

(I hope SOMEONE got that)