New Amp Sim : LeGion


Just to let you know that there is an update for LeGion.
Here's what I changed in version 1.01:
- more output volume
- less volume variations with coutour changes

Just want to show my appreciation for the update.
This has most certainly become my new favourite amp sim. :kickass:

I have to ask however, would it be difficult to transfer it to a schematic? (assuming you use simulated components with values and standard electronic components along the signal path. Also if there were any programming-specific shortcuts I'm sure you'd probably know how they would map out in a schematic, having had a lot of experience doing the opposite.)
I'd sure love to build one, one day, should such a thing ever become a possibility. :rock:
I'll join everybody's appraisal for this plugin, it really sounds great!
I think LePou and Kazrog should join forces and create something that would put all other amp sims to shame...
Or even design their own hardware unit to rival various PODs, LePou's amp sims combined with Recabinet impulses can really sound very convincing even to experienced ears!

Just you wait and Andy himself will be doing reamps with this combo hehe :grin:
LePou can I just say as a long time time POD guy , this thing just blew me away!!! it really does react like a real amp (well as close as as possible anyway) I like the grinding sound I can get from this.
I havent touched any other Guitar VST's in a long time since I got Legion. For cleans I go to my trusty old Guitar Rig setup, but nothing can touch my LeGion with Lecab and the default impulses for me.

To my ears at least.... Id like to see him toss in a nice high end tuner in there. I hate having to load up my AMPEG SVX to tune (its the best VST tuner Ive come across)
I use Mr. LePou's LeGion a lot - that and Preampus Metal 60 (Acmebargig) are my 2 High-gain "go-to" heads - that coupled with the right impulses are High-Gain Heaven to me... Actually a few of LePou's are great for the Brootalz - LE456 is good too as well as Lextac.