New, and need suggestions


New Metal Member
Feb 25, 2003
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Hey headbangers! I'm new to this site, and I was interested in checking some of Anthrax's and Slayers music out. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what album from each band I should buy first.

Oh, and by the way, my current cd catolog is full of Megadeth, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Iced Earth, and varius heavy metal/punk cds. Just to let you know about my music tastes.

Rock hard and rock heavy!!!
Welcome, NightCrawler! What a nice, easy post to finish off the night. Your Slayer collection must consist of at least these albums: Hell Awaits, Reign In Blood, South Of Heaven, Seasons In The Abyss, Divine Intervention, God Hates Us All. Anthrax's whole catalog up through Sound Of White Noise is great. Every album has some great shit on it. I know this is kinda vague but these two bands are classic. Good luck!

These are essential records in anyone's collection ... after that try the others.
If you've never listened to these bands before, I suggest that you pick up Slayer's Decade of Agression, which is the closest thing to a best of album they have, and Anthrax's Return of the Killer A's, which IS a Best of album.
I really like God Hates Us All, but if you want to get into Slayer, just buy Reign in Blood.

You'll pick up the rest on your own after that ;)

Anthrax--I guess I'd start with Among the Living, just because everyone says that's their best. I always liked Spreading the Disease and Persistence of Time better, but everyone says I'm crazy for thinking that, heh.

that is the essential metal album. if you dont have it, your a poser hahaha
Reign in Blood and Among the Living are both overated, in my opinion. But bah, get them anyway. Also, try out Testament and Exodus. They're two of the best thrash bands not to get any mainstream recognition. I agree that you should also try The Haunted.

Then try Opeth, although they have no similarities with any of the mentioned bands. :)