New BACKMASK recording (5150 II + Impulses)

On Archetype I think Christian use the rig that Steph from Deftones give to him.
A pre and a power amp (not head), Marshall stuff... I don't remember exactly what he used and the official site is down at the moment..
DSS3 said:
They have a drum map in the downloads section that basically puts the correct labels on everything - should make things a bit easier!

Reinstalling DFHS now (I had uninstalled it a few months ago out of frustration.) Looks like they've done a lot of updating since I last ran it, and they have some great resources for Digital Performer in the downloads area.

I'm going to get "Sonor of Metal" up and running with Thorendal's settings on this song and see how it sounds! I'll just create a dupe of my existing MIDI track and remap the pieces. Shouldn't be difficult, besides, I am a MIDI ninja! :rock:

Thanks for the suggestion to use DFHS, I think you got me out of a funky headspace, my drums are really dark sounding.
::XeS:: said:
On Archetype I think Christian use the rig that Steph from Deftones give to him.
A pre and a power amp (not head), Marshall stuff... I don't remember exactly what he used and the official site is down at the moment..

jpm1 preamp and marshall 100/100 (or 50/50 don't know) poweramp
Very bad tone...
Shane's one is a thousand times better than that shitty tone.
Shane...I got your RAR of the impulses...but I can't use any of them with Convolver 2. Con.2 says it can accept WAV, SDII, AIFF and several other filetypes...I'm guessing the SDII files aren't in the RAR? I'd really like to have an wav of the impulse of a Mesa mic'ed with an i5 :)

elephant-audio said:
Shane...I got your RAR of the impulses...but I can't use any of them with Convolver 2. Con.2 says it can accept WAV, SDII, AIFF and several other filetypes...I'm guessing the SDII files aren't in the RAR? I'd really like to have an wav of the impulse of a Mesa mic'ed with an i5 :)


If you got a RAR it wasn't from me. Here's my ZIP file:

This archive contains both the original SDII file and the AltiVerb Impulse Response. All you need is the SDII that's in there if you are using Convolver.

In other news...

I've gotten Thorendal's DFHS and mix settings working great over here, but I have to say, that guy REALLY loves high end. Granted, my kit is dark, but his is WAY too bright. He must have some severe high-end hearing loss to be doing all that gnarly +10 or more db high shelving from 7k on up on many pieces of the kit. Maybe he's trying to cover up all that Line 6 digital fizz. :lol:

His kit doesn't hold up against mine in the mix at all. It sounds really goofy. I may steal some hats and cymbals from DFHS now for my Battery kit, though.

The battle rages on and on...
Keep in mind his default settings don't have the Ambience mic in the mix at all... I take his and basically do the following:

Re-EQ and drummagog the kick
Drumagog the snare
Rbass on the toms
Roomworks verb on the snare and toms
Add snare, toms, and cymbals to the ambience bleed
mix the ambience mic down about -24db

I also reverse the stereo image - just a personal preference.
DSS3 said:
Keep in mind his default settings don't have the Ambience mic in the mix at all... I take his and basically do the following:

Re-EQ and drummagog the kick
Drumagog the snare
Rbass on the toms
Roomworks verb on the snare and toms
Add snare, toms, and cymbals to the ambience bleed
mix the ambience mic down about -24db

I also reverse the stereo image - just a personal preference.

I noticed already and put the ambience mic in. I've gotten it to sound identical to the "Sonor of Metal" mp3 on the ToonTrack website.

I'll play around more with DFHS, but I really am not crazy about the kick, and the way he EQs the snare is really goofy.

What sample are you using with Drumagog for the snare?
Good Backmask track. Only constructive thoughts I can offer is that I was looking for something more in the bass region 110-125k as to my ears it suffers from that "...And Justice for there a bass player on this?" disease. The kick ends up isolated in the lower regions. Monster guitar tone though. Good work.