New bands that will be classics in 15 years

I still think that pig squealing is just a "trendy" name for growling. People in the mainstream just don't realize what real growling is and thought of some lame name for something they had never heard before that had actually already been done.

If I'm wrong, please tell me why.

Squealing is growling, but it's more a type of growling, particularly favored in the brutal death sound. Matti Way is a good example, as heard with his work in Disgorge (US), Cinerary and Liturgy.
yeah I agree with Jreg, its often prominent in non-scenester brutal death and slam death.
While i absolutely agree with your whole general point, thus disagreeing with almost all bands mentioned in the thread, i have to inform you (as S<issors said) that the old D.T. albums are already considered to be classic. And J.R. is possibly the least original musician that ever passed from D.T. so if you say that he is the most original member of them, then obviously you haven't listened to their music enough.

you're right that i don't listen to them enough, and you know my reasons. i've heard jordan's solo works and they're way better than petrucci's, assumptions made.