New Bodom Songs

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Or we shouuld call this thread, "joonahs heard the new album"

Roundtrip to hell and back probably means they went through a bunch of shit but fixed the problems like maybe fighting their own little devil.
Round trip to hell and back
must be a song that Roope composed or something because Sinergy got
a very similar song name at one of their albums which is called to hell and back
heh quite funny isn't it? :P
(thats a joke alright don't flame please thanks :D)
Yes, I can't imagine Roope as a song writer. I don't question his musical abilities, I'm saying the other band members have often presented ideas to Alexi but they were rejected as they were not 'bodom'. It's Alexi who comes up with these mystical ideas, the others are just normal blokes who play an instrument well, if you get my point.
not true at all.
What about warman, does alexi find those cool key melodies as well?

Anyway.. you will have the reason. (allways:))
^Not true at all? You have to argue about everything with me. I THINK that if any other of the band members had to do a song for COB it would be different and most probably worse.
Yes, I can't imagine Roope as a song writer. I don't question his musical abilities, I'm saying the other band members have often presented ideas to Alexi but they were rejected as they were not 'bodom'. It's Alexi who comes up with these mystical ideas, the others are just normal blokes who play an instrument well, if you get my point.

by saying that you are implying that alexi is god. which is incorrect
its still a joint effort
Wtf :D Stop playing stupid. Alexi composes cob songs and there is a reason for it. Maybe the other players can think of some cool fills or something.
Yeah... they aren't very... amazing titles. Like, "Bed of Razors," or "Warheart," those are some amazing titles... or even "Needled 24/7". Those sound metal-like but these titles don't sound like Bodom... =(
Nah, believe me. I listen to a lot of music. I know all the Chopin, Rachmininov, Vivaldi, Paganini, Bach...and even the modern ones like Philip Glass. But in the genre that Alexi works in, he's absolutely wonderful imo. Every composer works in some sort of genre and I'm just saying that he's one of the best in his, and hence one of the best composers I've come across. I'm not saying he's greater than Mozart, but on his own level, he's one of the best.

It's pretty easy to be a great composer when half of your riff are just rip-off.

Bodom is nothing more than a LEGO band.
Yes, I can't imagine Roope as a song writer. I don't question his musical abilities, I'm saying the other band members have often presented ideas to Alexi but they were rejected as they were not 'bodom'. It's Alexi who comes up with these mystical ideas, the others are just normal blokes who play an instrument well, if you get my point.

I don't know how much Roope wrote of sinergy's music, but i'm pretty sure he wrote a great deal of it, thus making him one of my favorite composers of modern metal. Musically, there's noting complex or mysterious about bodom's music, it's pretty straightforward, diatonical and "easy" music, but that doesn't mean that the outcome sounds straightforward.

I'm certain that Roope could write some amazing stuff that could fit Bodom really well, after all, it's pretty much thrash riffs + atmospheric keys + solos.

It's pretty easy to be a great composer when half of your riff are just rip-off.

Bodom is nothing more than a LEGO band.

The music is already there, the art of composing is putting pieces together.
The music is already there, the art of composing is putting pieces together.

My point is:


He's just a little kid having fun with some riff - with some easy LEGO riff that can go well with any other riff. I've donne the test, you can remake any song in any sense with any Bodom riff...

That's my point.
After reading the last few pages of Joonas's bullshit spectulating, opinions, and so called facts he is able to come up with, I am getting tired of everyone and their mother predicting what the album will be like. Alexi composes every thing in Bodom? Wtf, who comes up with the melodies on the keys or the rhythm guitar parts. Does Alexi play the drums also? Granted, Alexi is the main man when it comes to composing the final product but there are other members in the band. Before posting more news updates on the album make sure you get your facts straight.
dam i liked the older names of the albums. just 1 or 2 words. lately are you dead yet. hate crew deathroll are all long. and theyre trying to make the names deeper or something. annoying. but i think they might go back to their older music, which would be sick. cuz they played a lot of classic songs on a concert they just did. so it might be a sign they might go back to their old stuff
It's pretty easy to be a great composer when half of your riff are just rip-off.

Bodom is nothing more than a LEGO band.

yea his older music was all a masterpiece. not a LEGO band. his newer stuff definetly more along the line of what ur talking about. even the new stuff is better than anything u could write. and u obviously havent listend to all their music. so dont talk unless you relle know wht ur talking about.
Alexi composes every thing in Bodom? Wtf, who comes up with the melodies on the keys or the rhythm guitar parts. Does Alexi play the drums also? Granted, Alexi is the main man when it comes to composing the final product but there are other members in the band.

Well, Alexi doesnt compose drums, thats clear, but the whole rest. I mean he compose the riffs, the melody, lead and rythm guitar and keyboard solos on his guitar. So except Jaska, the other 3 members only have to conform at Alexis riffs. Henkka almost plays the same notes as the lead/rythm guitar - so he doesnt compose anything. Janne only plays some harmonies over the guitars and that isnt composing aswell. I cant say much about Roope but I think that he pplays the shit Alexi told him.