New Bodom Songs

Okay missed that. One factor that puts COB from thrash in between of thrash and black metal is the synths. But I'd still call it extreme metal.
Yeah, I was thinking it would be more like HCDR, because it's Alexis favourite album, and with the fast blast beats and hypocrisy atmosphere, it definetly reminds of Sixpounder and You're Better Off Dead, I hope the synths have a bigger role in the music, but Alexi has said that they probably aren't going back to the old style, but I've read an interview where Alexi said that he doesn't like the new In Flames albums because they are too "American", so hopefully he will try to keep CoB as far from American as possible, he also said that there will not be more clear siniging than in AYDY, which is good in my opinion. Of course, it might sound even more American than AYDY, who knows? What do you guys think?
Joonas, do you also know how the 7th and 8th COB albums will sound?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Good one!

I really don't know how COB would sound now. I have too many predictions just like Joonahs does and everyone's confusing me. Here's my final asumption though: COB are going to have much more prominent guitars like HCDR or FTR did since Alexi said he's going to change the tune or whatever. I'm going to believe him. They'll be more atmostpheric like the SW album since the keys sound cold and not so much industrial-ish. And definetly more trashy cuz the vocals will pretty much sound the same.
I think the new songs are gonna be good and are a step into a good direction for Bodom. I almost expected to see something like,"I Don't Giving a Flying Fuck Motherfucker if You Hate Me!" as one of the song titles.

Umm isn't roundtrip 2 hell and back a little redundant? Is the "and back" necessary? If you are going on a roundtrip, isn't it a given you are coming back...thats why it is called a round trip??

They went to hell, they came back to earth or whatever, then they went back to hell.
WTF... these names are awful. :(
Roundtrip 2 Hell and Back reminded me immediately... what do you think whom? SINERGY, of course!! There are many songs with the name "To Hell and Back" but Sinergy is the nearest and the shadiest. Is it that Alexi decided to not to be bothered and to write the first him came in mind? Or is that Kim to to make a suggestion? But I'd better shut up and wait.
Tie My Rope can be pretty cool but I can't say nothing more before listening to this song. The idea of rope (and not of knife, or sword, or gun or another arm) is a little strange, but let's leave it be.
Pretty to the Devil seems like an oldschool rock. And wtf where is the REAPER? already forgotten?

:| don't know what to think
Do you think after taking this direction they would suddenly make another album that sounded like Follow the Reaper or something? They've learned from their mistakes. And it's logical if they keep the same guitar tuning they will just ensure the sound is ok on the album and not muddy shit like on AYDY. And they said they're going a bit more to black metal direction, so my assumption makes perfect sense. I'm making a guess based on logic and feeling, not saying this is how it will be.

bla bla bla.. as always.

Shut the fuck up for one time.
Do you think after taking this direction they would suddenly make another album that sounded like Follow the Reaper or something? They've learned from their mistakes. And it's logical if they keep the same guitar tuning they will just ensure the sound is ok on the album and not muddy shit like on AYDY. And they said they're going a bit more to black metal direction, so my assumption makes perfect sense. I'm making a guess based on logic and feeling, not saying this is how it will be.

WTF? when did they say they're goin more towards black metal? shut up please.

bla bla bla.. as always.

Shut the fuck up for one time.

Everyone ripping my ass off for remember Jaska said black even tho he said thrash. Btw, Venom also has a song named that. But it's a cool name and will surely be a very heavy song, can't wait.