New Bodom Songs

So, everyone of you think it's definitely not possible that the song name Tie My Rope is somehow inspired by Saddam's hanging? Very interesting. Somehow, I'm not surprised you all rally up to bash me on that idea. Just think about it.. you seriously see no chance at all they could be somehow related? The way I see it, the guys probably went: "Look, that guy is getting hung on TV!!" and maybe this might have somehow influenced this song name. It's something that everone still remembers, so this song says something to everyone. I'm just saying I think this is possible, I do think the song lyrics etc don't tell about Saddam (they don't want to openly provo anyone.. remember people were like wtf when they came up with a cover art of the reaper smashing up a big city in HCDR after the World Trade Center) but my personal guess is that this is where the name came from. If I'm wrong, well, then I'm wrong, no big deal. I think Bodom is trying to make its mark in America, no? I think especially the Americans will guess where this name comes from. If I'm right, well it's a great move from COB to get known in America. Look, this song will be featured with Viva La Bands... sounds very American, no? And if you're aware what's been going around in the world these years, I'm sure that an American person will instantly connet this song name to something. And they'll love COB. Really, you see no chance at all this is possible? Tell me. Actually, I think the song was made around the time this scenario was in the news.
So, everyone of you think it's definitely not possible that the song name Tie My Rope is somehow inspired by Saddam's hanging? Very interesting. Somehow, I'm not surprised you all rally up to bash me on that idea. Just think about it.. you seriously see no chance at all they could be somehow related? The way I see it, the guys probably went: "Look, that guy is getting hung on TV!!" and maybe this might have somehow influenced this song name. It's something that everone still remembers, so this song says something to everyone. I'm just saying I think this is possible, I do think the song lyrics etc don't tell about Saddam (they don't want to openly provo anyone.. remember people were like wtf when they came up with a cover art of the reaper smashing up a big city in HCDR after the World Trade Center) but my personal guess is that this is where the name came from. If I'm wrong, well, then I'm wrong, no big deal. I think Bodom is trying to make its mark in America, no? I think especially the Americans will guess where this name comes from. If I'm right, well it's a great move from COB to get known in America. Look, this song will be featured with Viva La Bands... sounds very American, no? And if you're aware what's been going around in the world these years, I'm sure that an American person will instantly connet this song name to something. And they'll love COB. Really, you see no chance at all this is possible? Tell me. Actually, I think the song was made around the time this scenario was in the news.

Ofcourse i rally up to bash you if i think it sounds insane...i dont need to worry if anyone else will back me up coz this is the internet dude and i have my own opinions! COB already are pretty big in US. Since when i visited the country they had their band merchandize for sale at some CD/DVD shop and they didnt have THAT many bands merchandize there. It just looked like they were doing pretty well there.
Yea yea but the point wasn't to argue or prove who's right and who's wrong.. I'm just asking what do you think of the idea?

I'm sayin bro..
So, everyone of you think it's definitely not possible that the song name Tie My Rope is somehow inspired by Saddam's hanging? Very interesting. Somehow, I'm not surprised you all rally up to bash me on that idea. Just think about it.. you seriously see no chance at all they could be somehow related? The way I see it, the guys probably went: "Look, that guy is getting hung on TV!!" and maybe this might have somehow influenced this song name. It's something that everone still remembers, so this song says something to everyone. I'm just saying I think this is possible, I do think the song lyrics etc don't tell about Saddam (they don't want to openly provo anyone.. remember people were like wtf when they came up with a cover art of the reaper smashing up a big city in HCDR after the World Trade Center) but my personal guess is that this is where the name came from. If I'm wrong, well, then I'm wrong, no big deal. I think Bodom is trying to make its mark in America, no? I think especially the Americans will guess where this name comes from. If I'm right, well it's a great move from COB to get known in America. Look, this song will be featured with Viva La Bands... sounds very American, no? And if you're aware what's been going around in the world these years, I'm sure that an American person will instantly connet this song name to something. And they'll love COB. Really, you see no chance at all this is possible? Tell me. Actually, I think the song was made around the time this scenario was in the news.

The guy got hanged in December and they recorded the song in May. What are you talking about?
Tie My Rope is about shoe laces, we all know Alexi's english is limited

shoe lace = rope
So, everyone of you think it's definitely not possible that the song name Tie My Rope is somehow inspired by Saddam's hanging? Very interesting. Somehow, I'm not surprised you all rally up to bash me on that idea. Just think about it.. you seriously see no chance at all they could be somehow related? The way I see it, the guys probably went: "Look, that guy is getting hung on TV!!" and maybe this might have somehow influenced this song name. It's something that everone still remembers, so this song says something to everyone. I'm just saying I think this is possible, I do think the song lyrics etc don't tell about Saddam (they don't want to openly provo anyone.. remember people were like wtf when they came up with a cover art of the reaper smashing up a big city in HCDR after the World Trade Center) but my personal guess is that this is where the name came from. If I'm wrong, well, then I'm wrong, no big deal. I think Bodom is trying to make its mark in America, no? I think especially the Americans will guess where this name comes from. If I'm right, well it's a great move from COB to get known in America. Look, this song will be featured with Viva La Bands... sounds very American, no? And if you're aware what's been going around in the world these years, I'm sure that an American person will instantly connet this song name to something. And they'll love COB. Really, you see no chance at all this is possible? Tell me. Actually, I think the song was made around the time this scenario was in the news.

Wow this thread as become Forum War I. I think that Joonas is going to lose then his brother is going to take over his account and blame Joonas for the failure during Forum War I. (By the way Joonas's brother has a massive army of gnomes that help him come up with posts.) Learning that it was Joonas's fault for losing Forum War I, the gnomes and Joonas's brother will be inspired to start a new thread about this topic thus starting Forum War II.

Yes, I know...I can see into the future.

Anyway, the subliminal bullshit that your talking about is way to far out of the reach of Alexi's IQ level (no offense.) He dropped out of high school and drinks on a regular closed.