New DT album soon?

Acoustic/unplugged guitars would be amazing...i hope they use them for the next allbum. At the same time though, i think im hoping for a more 'fun' direction this time. the recent cover is a 'fun' song to me; its not horribly mega-serious, they lyrics are nice and poetic but nothing einstein-ish, and the beats and singing are really cacthy. I loved haven the most I think, and something about Haven, to me, makes me think of pop. I think Indifferent Suns sounds like some oldies pop song that i can't figure out which one it is. But anyway, as with the lego-video, and a few other things, it makes me think that as DT get a little older, and maybe running out of directions to go, that having more of a simple, fun time with the music may be better for this new albulm. It certianly would be something no one would expect. I definatly don't want them to loose their good lyrics and serious musicianship, but i mean, making more songs like the cover, or how the bonus tracks were on fiction, would be better to me. (I loved the two bonus tracks on fiction way more than the albulm me they just had such a better sound and production...)
I think the DT guys realize that Fiction Blew the minds of anyone who heard it. They're going to take there time as to not have the new album be a shadow of fiction. in stead they want to make it fictionx2 making it all the things we liked about fictions with more. More that hopefully will not ruin the awesomness. which is why it's take a while.
I want them to move forward, to do something that will pleasantly surprise us again
And i want to see more Niklas' stuff in it (both music and lyrics). Inside the Particle Storm was a breath of fresh air.

I really agree with that statement about Niklas and Particle Storm. As great as the last three albums have been overall, I would say that too many songs recycle too many of the same basic musical ideas, especially the guitar and keyboard melodies. The band keeps tweaking, rearranging, and perfecting a certain, somewhat narrow selection of similar riffs, rhythms, cord progressions and melodies. While you can find exceptions to this pattern, and I do find subtle but noticeable changes in production and arrangement approaches from album to album, I think more writing input from other members and fresh blood is in order.

On the other hand, I love Fiction, despite the over-familiarity of many of its musical ideas, and I have no desire to hear attempts to recapture 90's albums. So I can live with more of the same, though I think a continued push in this speedy/thrashy direction will sound forced and stagnant. DT will still be the best band of this genre.

BTW, can't wait for the remasters.

(I mostly just lurk around here, but I couldn't help myself this time.)