New Iced Earth...


Beyond The Nothingness
Aug 11, 2003
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Anyone heard any of their new tracks yet?

I just picked up The Reckoning today and Owens does an awesome job on vocals. he sounds as good, if not better than Barlow.

Go buy this if you dont have it already!
I thought Barlow was irreplaceable myself too. Trust me, I've been a fan of theirs since the first IE album came out. I think Owens does an excellent job on the new tracks. It sounds like the music was written with him in mind to start with. Now that I've heard some of the new stuff, I can't imagine Matt singing it. I think The Glorious Burden will blow Horror Show away...
Ive lost any respect I ever had for Iced Earth( about 5 years ago I really liked them as they were on of the few decent American metal bands). Jon Schaffer is just such an asshole- now hes waving the american flag around- like he is some kind of patriot. Even stranger is the fact that Europe made Iced Earth- hell they werent popular here until a few years ago. Everytime I read an interview of his, he comes off as such an arrogant prick- as if he is somekind of metal god- despite the fact he hasnt had a new idea in 10 years. I understand Owens isnt even a permanent member of the band- as schaffer doesnt know if he wants to live the Jon Schaffer experience
Edgecrusher said:
Shouldn't be too hard since 'Horror Show' wasn't really that good to begin with.
That's debatable. I liked Horror Show.

Ive lost any respect I ever had for Iced Earth( about 5 years ago I really liked them as they were on of the few decent American metal bands). Jon Schaffer is just such an asshole- now hes waving the american flag around- like he is some kind of patriot. Even stranger is the fact that Europe made Iced Earth- hell they werent popular here until a few years ago. Everytime I read an interview of his, he comes off as such an arrogant prick- as if he is somekind of metal god- despite the fact he hasnt had a new idea in 10 years. I understand Owens isnt even a permanent member of the band- as schaffer doesnt know if he wants to live the Jon Schaffer experience

He's not an asshole. He's just serious about his music. He isn't there to dick around or be Mr. Niceguy when it comes to members having second thoughts. He doesn't like being held back by other members uncertainties, or their dicking around. He has little tolerance for that.

And he was always a patriot. And obviously you haven't read enough interviews because he doesn't think of his band as being any higher or any lower than any other band (except nu-metal maybe, and corperate acts). And Owens IS an official member. Keep up with the times man.

And to not go completely off topic..

I like the new Iced Earth, but I still think Matt is irriplacable. No matter how good Owens is, he'll never be able to replace Matt.
Don't get me wrong about Iced Earth, just because I didn't like all of 'Horror Show'.

I was in the minority, here in Cincinnati, cheering them on when they opened for Megadeth a couple years back.
I was at the show in Cincinnati- Iced Earth had plenty of support- and they delivered a solid performance.

I couldnt disagree with you anymore Rottuated- every interview he comes off as a real arrogant prick. I think you said it, he isnt there to hear any bandmembers second thoughts or ideas- the man is an egotist- pure and simple. If he was a musical genius or innovator I would look the other way in regards to his egotism- but he is not, he hasnt had a new idea in at least three albums( im talking about a fucking new riff here- i havent heard a new riff out of the fucker in three albums). The man is a excellent rhythm guitarist, and once was a decent songwriter- but now he is in love with himself and such love is never good.

And the flag deal- he is nor was in the army, nor a public official, is he donating money to some war fund? No, he is a musician who has lived off the support of Europeans for a decade( iced earth has toured the staes what two times?). I suppose I dont get his overly patriotic stance( which I admit has been around a while), when American symbolizes the very things he abhors; ie corporate rock and nu metal.
speed said:
I was at the show in Cincinnati- Iced Earth had plenty of support- and they delivered a solid performance.

That statement may be true, but that still doesn't mean that there were more Megadeth fans than Iced Earth fans.

I'm not saying that there were a whole lot of people trying to boo them off the stage, but there were a lot of those around me who weren't exactly impressed a great deal.
speed said:
I was at the show in Cincinnati- Iced Earth had plenty of support- and they delivered a solid performance.

I couldnt disagree with you anymore Rottuated- every interview he comes off as a real arrogant prick.
Maybe he just needs a hug. ;)
I don't think Jon's a prick. I think he's especially cool with the fans. He has a vision and wants to see it through and sometimes you have to be a dick to bandmembers to get it done right. They've had some iffy albums in my opinion but the majority are great. I think he works hard to get everything the way he wants it and if that makes him egotistical, then so be it but the end product is always above average and that's what matters in the end.
Owens really does an awesome job with the vocals on these new tracks, and like previously mentioned, it sounds like he has been with the band all along. It doesnt sound at all like hes a replacement. In fact, in some parts of The Reckoning, i dont think i would be able to tell the difference between him and Barlow. He sounds that good with Iced Earth!

As far as Jon goes and the patriotic themes on their new tracks, it sounds awesome together with the music. Its really something i can relate to. I get tired of hearing about the same subjects over and over in power metal music. At the very least, this is something that at least has some actual meaning instead of the typical fantasy topics in alot of power metal music. And just to mention, i also think this record has the ability so far to blow away Horror Show.

I would also recommend The Reckoning if you're gonna check any of these tracks out. That or Valley Forge.
Rottuated said:
That's debatable. I liked Horror Show.

He's not an asshole. He's just serious about his music. He isn't there to dick around or be Mr. Niceguy when it comes to members having second thoughts. He doesn't like being held back by other members uncertainties, or their dicking around. He has little tolerance for that.

And he was always a patriot. And obviously you haven't read enough interviews because he doesn't think of his band as being any higher or any lower than any other band (except nu-metal maybe, and corperate acts). And Owens IS an official member. Keep up with the times man.

And to not go completely off topic..

I like the new Iced Earth, but I still think Matt is irriplacable. No matter how good Owens is, he'll never be able to replace Matt.
I couldn't have said it better myself. Iced Earth rules!
Ummm...Schaffer does have a bloated ego, though.

They've always been hyped up as the greatest American metal band, but I think Machine Head deserve that title a lot more, not for consistency, but for overall better music and contribution to the genre.
This record should be huge for the band. I too don't think that Matt could have "pulled" off the material off this upcoming record. And like one person said, it is a bit eerie that the material was written with a guy with Tim's vocal range in mind. Regardless of what the haters say, this will be their best record to date. C'mon you Euros give us a break, this is like the only American Metal band(worth listening to) left!