I remember seeing that "Future Tense" vid on Headbanger's Ball, way back when.

Might have even taped it, but wouldn't know where the fuck to find it.
I want to upload:
Wrath- "R.I.P.(Ripped Into Pieces)"
Powermad- "Terminator"
October 31- "For There Is War"
Nasty Savage- "Gladiator"
Cronic Disorder- "With Reckless Abandon"
Deceased- "The Silent Creature"
Deep- "The Reach Of Envy"
Doctor Butcher- "Season Of The Witch"
Armageddon- "Heart Of Ice"
Amaran- "Rusty Warhorse"
Winterkill- "Tokyo's Burning"
Sword- "Stoned Again"
Grim Reaper- "Night Of The Vampire"
Ion Vein- "Static Vision"
Sodom- "Tombstone"
Slave Driver- "Judgement Day"
Kreator- "People Of The Lie"
Forbidden- "Chalice Of Blood"
Flotsam & Jetsam- "I Live You Die"
Macabre- "Drill Bit Lobotomy"
K-Octave- "Breakneck"
Warlock- "Time To Die"
Let me know if any of those bands already have songs up, & let me know when it will be up again.