New IF

After all the shit I have heard about RtR now I almost looked forward to listen to the new Hamerfall more :) But everybody has their own opinion, not everyone think it's shit and I bet phyre is just stubborn. He will be the first in line on the 3rd of September :p ;)

I will listen to it by a friend tomorrow, unfortunatly I think I will be rather drunk by then so I will probably not remeber anything :cry:

(bad spelling. me must sleep. now)
Originally posted by Final_Vision
Im not gonna make a big deal, but I generally think its a very good album, Its a very nice change of pace ill tell you that much. I too am a fan of Metaphor lol, its one of those mellow kick back and just kinda drift songs. Who really cares who they directed it at, either like it or ya dont. A lot of songs just give me that great In Flames feel ive come to love, Dismiss the Cynic and Dark Signs are obvious, as is Minus. As well as the new style songs, System is one of my favorites, the ending I personally think is brilliant coming to a killer climax with almost black metal style screeching and than dropping off so suddenly with "you...". I personally like it and ill purchase it when it comes out on the 3rd of September!

Again, do you kiss every band's ass?
@phyre: for a band like in flames - or any other death metal act - trying something so different and a potential piss-off of old fans is a risky move. even if we were to admit that reroute to remain is trying to reach easy popularity by conquering the feeble minds of young kids all over the world, this doesn't mean they found a sure way to make money: the nu-metal/mallcore kiddies heads circuit is already full of bands making big bucks, and for in flames to jump on the bandwagon a massive dose of luck and/or marketing ability is needed. sticking to their usual sound and songs would have been a good way to keep their fanbase tucked and warm, while i see this departure from the old style as a dangerous choice.
much like final_vision, i'm not that interested in the intellectual qualities or tastes of other ppl who might happen to like music i happen to like (to a certain degree) if not for reasons of a survey. moreover, i don't have anything personal against mallcore kiddies, or at least not more than what i have against fanatical power metallers, norwegian black metal scene zealots, jazz or opera freaks: they're a bit dull, sometimes ridiculous, perhaps easily impressed. but they're not the scourge of humanity. :)

Rahvin -

Very well said.

Let's not overlook the following, though: It's seemingly assumed, here, that In Flames, prior to production of RtR, sat around like a bunch of cropped-haired, sandal-wearing, java-drinking ad execs and deliberated over what "market" they were going to attempt to "target" with their forthcoming album.

I'd be willing to stake money on no such brainstorming session having occurred. It seems more likely to me, from my layman's understanding of the essence of inspiration, that this album is rather the end-result of a complete apathy toward the whims and opinions of fans, be they long-time fans or potential fans. Influence and deliberate imitation are two entirely different concepts.

Granted, I could be way off base, but I think maybe we should give In Flames the benefit of the doubt, rather than assuming some cold calculation independent of their art.


Originally posted by Fathomless
Let's not overlook the following, though: It's seemingly assumed, here, that In Flames, prior to production of RtR, sat around like a bunch of cropped-haired, sandal-wearing, java-drinking ad execs and deliberated over what "market" they were going to attempt to "target" with their forthcoming album.

:lol: yeah, somehow they fit into the schedule whilst galavanting and cavorting around the planet. =)
Originally posted by wildfyr

of course not. that dubious distinction is strictly reserved for Americans, right? :rolleyes:

afaik americans are just easily impressed, so i guess they don't even begin to qualify for any other title.

btw, usually when i get the impression most ppl around me are drunk it's because i am, but it's unlikely i've put myself in such a condition at 11.22am while at the office, so i guess this time it's just most posters on this board passing through their "bitter" phase. :)

Originally posted by phyre

Perhaps. But on the other hand, I believe they are releasing a SINGLE of "Cloud Connected." I mean, come on. A single. Now if that's not selling out completely and utterly then I don't know what is.

Despite what your cynical mind may think, the decision to release a single isn't always a bands, it's quite often the record labels, and the label often has a say in what single is released as well.
Originally posted by rahvin
afaik americans are just easily impressed, so i guess they don't even begin to qualify for any other title.

as easily impressed as any other homo sapien. how's that for a title?

[B}btw, usually when i get the impression most ppl around me are drunk it's because i am, but it's unlikely i've put myself in such a condition at 11.22am while at the office, so i guess this time it's just most posters on this board passing through their "bitter" phase. :)

rahvin. [/B]

all your bitterness are belong to us
@phyre: i guess we simply can't relate on some issues since i have nothing against eminem, releasing singles or having short hair. ;) let's face it: i don't support elitarian visions of music scenes where the "good" bands play for a few acolytes, following given canons, and the "bad" bands are (boo-hoo) into it for the money and keen on coercing kids. there surely is a problem of consistency, in that you can't have your songs written by other ppl, sing those songs pretending they're sincere about your own private life and maintain credibility - like britney spears does. but as long as in flames do some things they like, although they might be keeping an eye on the market, my "loyalty" (which was close to zero to boot) is not shaken or anything. a few songs i like, a few others i don't and that's more or less the end of it. of course if they release singles this would mean they're selling a lot, sure enough. still i have no personal deprecatory remark about that: i'm sure they will sell if there's ppl who likes the stuff (more than i do, btw), they're not exactly shoved down our throat like new sentenced, at least for now. :)

and of course the norwegian black metal zealot label was not addressed to you: you're quite a smart guy who jokes about the stuff a lot. it would take a bloody stupid individual to actually believe that silliness. :)

Originally posted by rahvin
it would take a bloody stupid individual to actually believe that silliness. :)
Would you care to explain why is a perfectly valid point of view silly?
You preach open-mindedness but you are criticising something you don't understand (and i dare to say, don't even know).