New IF

Originally posted by astarte

Would you care to explain why is a perfectly valid point of view silly?
You preach open-mindedness but you are criticising something you don't understand (and i dare to say, don't even know).

judging from the always accurate mockery of the thing, thanks to ormir and phyre, i get the idea - correct me if i'm wrong - that zealotry in black metal scene is represented by ppl going around claiming they are devoid of any feelings bar hate and that patient removal of different-minded individuals' body parts is the most sensible thing on earth (and below). this is a bit like saying the universe is made of small papaya seeds dispersed randomly by a fish-headed god while sneezing. it might be your idea of a valid point of view, and i have no objective ground to call it otherwise, but i still think it's utterly silly. open-mindedness does not mean not passing judgements over things. not passing judgements over things is usually mostly referred to as false politeness. ;)

of course this does not apply to any different interpretation of the stuff. since i thought it was clear i was referring to the merry jokes of phyre and others, i didn't consider specifying i thereby excluded all serious, self-conscious worshipping of various demons and hierarchies of hell, which is, of course, a perfectly valid point of view. :)

oh, no, there's been a time in our lives when we actually bought black metal records - i even got the first burzum, go figure. therefore we have good first-hand knowledge, continued by the fact that a couple of our friends are tr00 and they keep us posted. or should i say "drawn and quartered".

Hrm....all this talk has gotten me wondering. If one (myself) were to try and get all of his friends to accept metal (mainly anything from melodic/death to black to doom) and actually succeeded in a large percentage of the cases, and this became a pattern, could it spiral exponentially out of control and metal would become mainstream? Just a ponder...

But actually I find it interesting... try this at home... take the more 'mellow' songs by bands like DT and bands like Therion to show people that it is indeed 'music', then slowly introduce heavier stuff. Heck... I did it to myself and I can almost listen to Immortal and Emperor normally now.

~Kovenant (and yet I still get pegged as 'such a nice guy'...)
haha....ok.....well i meant the kinds I mentioned in particular, especially because I got about 8 of my friends hooked on DT, Therion, some IF, Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, and a few others in a six month period, so......

and keep in mind, I live in the U.S. ..... I'm just happy I didn't wind up listening to pop my entire life....or <gasp> rap :eek:

~Kovenant (having
So what? My whole family are hippies, since I didn't have another choice, I listened to their music, stories and rants all my childhood. And still I can't claim to have "good first-hand knowledge" about their ideologies.
Besides, by what rahvin wrote, I understand he was basing his judgement on phyre's and ormir's statements in a completely superficial fashion, not on his own knowledge of the subject.
kovenant, you live in the us so you should be
a) listening to punk rock
b) taking a pic of your secretary of defense, have it autographed, and send it to me.

astarte, people have the right to get bored however they want, and your signature is a very serious place to start. :lol:

I'm with Jester of Death; I'm quite addicted to it - I find it quite catchy and have been unable to stop playing it, much to the chagrin of my wife. I'll likely be spinning it through to Sept. when its released (and coincidentally, when I see them live in Montreal)
@phyre; @astarte: let me rephrase it one last time. i mentioned norwegian black metal zealotry without referring to any "valid point of view" in particular, and i did not say it was silly or it would take a bloody stupid person to believe it. then i - humorously - commented exclusively on ormir-phyre-astarte-whomever more-or-less accurate (hey, if you don't know it...) mockery of something and said i knew it was pretense because what you declared in fun was silly and it would take a bloody stupid individual to believe it. i stick to this idea. your making fun of a certain scene is at times entertaining, and of course - like with all exaggerations - much too larger than life to be taken seriously by intelligent ppl. i had no intention of molesting or claiming knowledge of the real thing, whatever it might be.
