new interview

martin always said in interviews i have heard with him that still life was his favorite - even right after deliv/damn i read an interview and he was like yea still life was the best one. So if he says this is better than still life (which is my favorite album of all time)....
Good interview, I think Per is going to change the direction of Opeth slightly, for the better I think. I also think that rehearsing will make for better songs, maybe a better flow seeing as they would have more time to think about ways to link parts of songs instead of having to write as they record. Man that must be fucking stressful!
deliverance said:
good interview, but long as hell. thanks for posting it. anyone else notice Martin said the word "like" about 50 times? lol he always does though, in any interview i've seen.
I used to say "like" alot when I didn't know how speak English as well as I do now. I think it's fairly common for foreigners to use words like "like" alot in their speech.
^ i think they deserve to be giddy like schoolgirls

shit if i was making such incredibly amazing music and had as many fans that go around screaming my band name, buy my albums, and wear a shirt with my bands name on it i would be acting the same
deliverance said:
anyone else notice Martin said the word "like" about 50 times?

in the lamentations documentary/interview he says "like" a hell of a lot, which would normally bother me, but he somehow pulls it off without sounding annoying