New Jackson RR24


yeah, around 25-30%. And they also started that team build/masterbuild shit like Fender CS has. Retail price for a average CS piece is around 7000-8000$ now :erk. I've also heard that number of orders really dropped since the price the point where the staff is being moved off J/C production. Let's hope for some changes with the next year...cause I'd really want to order a CS, but currently is really not the best time...also because of the QC issues that they have.
Yeah, if I had that kinda money, I'd order a Custom too (that green pinstripe RR :p) but I'd rather pay $3/4000 than $7/8000, of course. Hopefully my fucking J2SP gets here soon and I'll forget about wanting one.
don't get me wrong...7/8000$ is a retail get around 30-40% dealer discount on that price ;)...but it's still a lot. By the old price you could have gotten that RR you want with taxes and shipping for around 3000euros or maybe little less.

Did you order your RR-J2SP? Is it on the way? I just sold my's going to Finland on's hard to let it go, but I know it will be in very good hands! :headbang:

And I'm getting a new guitar next week :) You'll love it! ;)
I've ordered it, yeah. He said he shipped it last Wednesday or Thursday, I can't remember. I've been hoping to get home and find the Customs letter on my bed but so far it's not here. :mad:

And I think selling one guitar to buy another similar but one that you like more is definitely worth it. :kickass:

Alexi's "Stone" RR, right?
Ahh right. So you must be getting one of those Semi-Custom Stars then? I bet 2 months is a painfl waiting time. Although it'd probably be easier for you 'cause you've already owned an RR guitar, I haven't. I have played the white RR24 but I'm guessing this one will feel a bit different (and look much cooler).

Yeah, I heard Japan EMS shipping was fast, that's why I expected it so soon. I've checked the date of the email that he sent saying that it'd been shipped and it's the 20th Sept. It's now the 28th so you can understand why.

It says:

Dear Mr. Mitch DuCran,

Thank you for your wire.
I will ship them today. This is EMS tracking number (xxxxxxxxxxxx).
Please check it out.

Thank you for your purchasing!!

To go and check out the tracking thing, would I need to go to my bank or can I do it online?
You don't know how to track shipping???

put that number under the "Post/EMS(with USPS)" and hit Track!

No, I'm not getting a semi-custom. The one I'm getting next week is 16 years old :). I'm not telling anything more :p.

The "Stone" one is a Jackson Stars full Custom Shop's been already about a month...and they said 3-4months is a waiting I presume 2 or 3 months more.
Oh wait, I've done it:


Ah sweet. And LOL, I just checked out wtf "retention" meant and it means it's been restrained, so I'm guessing it's at the post office now and Customs should send me a letter, like you said. I got one of those when I bought my MP-1 too.

Apparantly, Saturday is a PO working day so I might have it tomorrow.
Cool...I remember I got mine on a saturday exactly at 7:05 am! I was still half asleep and in pijamas when I opened up the package....and then played the guitar for 2 hours at the spot! :)
That would suck if that happened to me, I'd have to get up, get dressed and go to work for 9 hours!!!

Or just phone in sick. :D
Cool...I remember I got mine on a saturday exactly at 7:05 am! I was still half asleep and in pijamas when I opened up the package....and then played the guitar for 2 hours at the spot! :)

i think its a guitarist's unwritten law, new guitars must be "broken in" immediately, and for at least one intense jam session.
don't get me wrong...7/8000$ is a retail get around 30-40% dealer discount on that price ;)...but it's still a lot. By the old price you could have gotten that RR you want with taxes and shipping for around 3000euros or maybe little less.

Did you order your RR-J2SP? Is it on the way? I just sold my's going to Finland on's hard to let it go, but I know it will be in very good hands! :headbang:

And I'm getting a new guitar next week :) You'll love it! ;)
I remember when you sold it.:lol:
Heres my attempt on something more different then the traditional black with some color bevels....i dont think it came out that not good with colours...but i guess its a try

you guys are pretty lucky when it comes to locations of where you pakistan we dont have shit...the only time i get equipment is when my fathers goes for one of his business trips to malaysia...i got my only guitar from their..the ESP its a very big hassle since nothing can get shipped here...iv been wanting to get a custom RR made for a while...

and heres a link to the sweetest ESP SV custom iv ever seen....definetly makes my top 3 hottest guitars list!
this guy had some major creativity...especially with the battery pack
I think I know which one he's referring to, it was posted on the old ESP boards. Really really nice custom; flat black with peral bevels and gold hardware. Possibly one of the nicest guitars ever, although the designer had it made with the MMV fret access cut which I don't like as much as the SV cut. I'll try finding a photo.