It's just the best fighting game ever.
Except for Gill. Gill sucks.
Yes, yes he does. He's still not top 5 on my upcoming video list though![]()
Gill's on the list, but he has a few weaknesses and I've just fought some far harder bosses. Ever fought Geese Howard in the first Fatal Fury/most of his boss appearances in other games? He's a true monstrosity.
Nope, I lied - seems that Gill is no.5 on my list.
Love / Hate: I finally decided to act upon my family and my doctor's advice and seek help from a councillor. I'm not looking forward to it (tomorrow) but I'm doing it for them, mostly. I can't carry on taking my shit out on the people who are closest to me, or just pushing them away (like I've done with most of my friends, to be honest).
Some of you may remember me saying this,
Well I spoke to someone that day and they said they'd call me back... I didn't answer. Since then I've been fine, but over the past few days I've dipped back into depression, been waking up real late, making no effort to look after myself or anything and I've been having more suicidal thoughts.
I think I've got some serious mental health issues... and I'm so fucking stubborn I don't think I'm going to ever do anything about them (off my own back, anyway). Everything is so trivial, I see no light at the end of the tunnel, so why try to get there? Fuck it. Fuck it ALL.