new Moonsorrow

because they sound happy at times?

i get what you're saying, but that doesn't mean it makes sense.

compared to pagan type bands like old Helheim, old Falkenbach, Graveland, etc, moonsorrow is jollyfolk

meh, ever since Voimasta, moonsorrow haven't impressed me.
If you cant enjoy Jollyfolk because you take your music to seriously, thats a terrible shame and pretty damn silly.
Better yet if you cant take a band serious because you think the melodies are too happy and folky, well thats kinda sad. :lol: Some of you negroids need to lighten up and take music as it is.
I think it needs time

Most definitely, given the length of the tracks. I've listened to both tracks quite a few times already, and there's some stunning stuff going on here, but yeah, I think it will take a while for each track to really sink in as a whole. Early impressions are that this is everything I hoped for, and probably more.
yeah, I agree it needs time, it becomes so complex with such long tracks. And the beginning, aaaaaaaaaah, so powerful!!!
I agree, the first six to eight minutes is an epic in its own right. The next holy shit moment was that acoustic/harmony guitar break around 16:00 approximate. While it should be obvious that something of this scope takes repeated listening to grasp, what struck me immediately was that the flow between the sections of mega-epic no. 1 was much more natural than I expected.