New music: What's everybody listening to?

Prog Maiden said:
Sure, it's usually a bit more poppy, but how can the backstreet boy version of Akerfeldt be bad? :lol:

Oh man.. so many things wrong with that on so many levels :lol: - i wasnt condemning in the sense that I would suggest others dont like it or anything, just for ME anything 'pop' makes me cringe.

Rich gave me Edge of Sanity - Crimson II which although the odd song structure is really annoying on my ipod (pauses between each song) I absolutely LOVE this album! I'm dying to get my hands on the rest of their stuff. I have Nightingale too, but I've been going through a preference-for-heavy phase lately (for a long time now actually) so I havent given that one too much of a chance yet.
The stuff that Tool leaked sounded fucking amazing, and from what I've heard, they intentionally leaked songs, but not the actual songs. A version of the full songs that is supposedly not nearly as good as the real version.I can't wait 'till May 2nd. My bassist, drummer and I are gonna sit down and dicuss every single song on the album, discuss them, decide which one is the craziest and most progressive, learn it, and cover it.
Kenneth R. said:
new music worth checking out:

The Goo Goo Dolls - Let Love In

all of these, I believe, are 2006. sure beats whining on a forum about news from a band

Didn't know you were a GGD fan. Does Rzeznik sing on most of the songs on this new one ? I lover his voice and guitar work. I can't stand 90% of Robby's vox.

SilentRealm said:
Rich gave me Edge of Sanity - Crimson II which although the odd song structure is really annoying on my ipod (pauses between each song) I absolutely LOVE this album! I'm dying to get my hands on the rest of their stuff. I have Nightingale too, but I've been going through a preference-for-heavy phase lately (for a long time now actually) so I havent given that one too much of a chance yet.

It is hard for me to say which Crimson album I like better. I or II. Both have amazingly brilliant parts, especially the 15 second or so growl 2/3 into the way of the first one.

The other two albums of theirs (that I have) are "The Spectral Sorrows" and "Purgatory Afterglow." Both are very good, but do not come close to either of the Crimsons. I would reccomend Sorrows over Purgatory, due to the sense of more raw energy, plus they cover the Manowar song "Blood of My Enemies" which is even better than the original!

Hope this helps.
yay! I finally got the first Crimson - and I must say, its definately amazing BUT I cant get over the 2nd atm! - I think coz it has that prog element, I am just so hooked! Maybe when I get sick of the 2nd (if ever) I will find time to appreciate the 1st more.
SilentRealm said:
yay! I finally got the first Crimson - and I must say, its definately amazing BUT I cant get over the 2nd atm! - I think coz it has that prog element, I am just so hooked! Maybe when I get sick of the 2nd (if ever) I will find time to appreciate the 1st more.

C2 is one of my fave albums, EVER! Even 2-3 years later, it still blows me away. Yet, most people seem to dig C1 more, which I find weird. Glad to know that someone else prefers the second. Yeah, it's a lot more proggy, which is prolly why it appealed to me.
arglebargle said:
C2 is one of my fave albums, EVER! Even 2-3 years later, it still blows me away. Yet, most people seem to dig C1 more, which I find weird. Glad to know that someone else prefers the second. Yeah, it's a lot more proggy, which is prolly why it appealed to me.

I have a theory! anyone feel free to prove me wrong if it wasnt the case for you.. I wonder if it depends largely on what you were introduced to first.. I know of people who were introduced to the first before the second.. and they cant get over the first enough to get into the second.. and well for myself, its the opposite being introduced to the second one before the first..