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A: Mikael Akerfeldt

Q: What would your band/individual name be if you were in a band/were a popstar?
A: Satan's Dragons of Unimaginable Dhoom Are Coming Forth Spewing Fire On the Unfaithful Ones and Slaughtering the Witless

Q: Would you think that someone who says they "don't care at all about politics" is telling the truth?
A: I think there are some people that genuinely think that...there's a difference though between with-holding your political view...and voicing your political views but at the same time getting frustrated with the people who make up/represent political issues.

Q: Did that make any sense?
Not really. Or rather, it made sense but I don't agree. Every person has some kind of opinion about politics and things related to it if you ask me...if not otherwise, then at the point where your country's or some other country's politics significantly make your life harder in a noticable way.
Unless you live in a cardboard box (with a handy connection to the Internet nevertheless) somewhere in Canada.
I mean, I don't care about politics but I'd be mightily interested in mugging the politician who lowers the income I get from the state for studies, for example.

What do you think about a Finnish artist (Mikko Alatalo, for the Finns) singing "Water pours and the sun shines, I guess summer's coming", when it was like that just a while ago and it's basically autumn?
He's also a politician by the way.
A: When i was 15 and my friends threw a surprise party for me...

Q: do you like surprises, or do you rather have things well-planned out?
A: I dont ever remember being really surprised. I probably would like surprises, but I know that I love anticipation and excitement (these things would be lost if things came as a surprise). So Im not really sure.

Q: Have you ever been on an adventure (planned as an adventure... not an accidental adventure)?
A: The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Q: Did/do you find maths easy at school, did it all come natural to you?
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