New Question&Answer Thread!

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A: Damn right I'll be drunk :P

Q: Have you heard of Bert Brecht? The reason I ask is because the question reminded me of Mr.Puntilla, a character in one of his books. He's drunk most of the time and a kind man while it lasts, but turns into an asshole once he sobers up, which can happen quite fast. At one point he says:"I am a terrible man, and there are times when I get terribly sick. But I can cure myself, I drink!"
Really funny book and rich in social critizism.. just curious if he's known outside Germany
A: Textbooks for class.

Q: Do you read the lyrics while listening to the album that you bought?
A: They wanna be mysterious. :rolleyes: One example of that is the Finnish band Swallow the Sun.

Q: Have you had your "15 minutes of fame" already? If not are you going to do something about it i.e. do you care? :loco:
a: yeah. i used to do that kinda often in the past, like four times per year, but now i'm lazy and i only have the regular lent confession.

q: why is that important?
A: well it isnt, to me, but since we got all catholic and were talking about sins, i had a mental association

Q: do you enjoy driving?
Heh, the only driving I've done was (is) when I was about 9 years old and my grandpa let me drive his tractor on his lap and from the passenger's seat of my friend's car when he's putting on his glove/talking on the phone/changing a cd in the cd player etc. So I don't dislike it, quite like it in fact, though I wonder when I'll crash into something.
As for driving properly, I have no wish to get a license anytime soon, so I don't care if I'll like driving a car or not.

What's the most profound thought in your mind now?
A: there isnt much going through my mind at the moment, im thinking about a final paper due on monday, which leads to my thinking about the Spanish Civil War, the separatist movement in Spain, homosexuality and guilt. on the other hand Im thinking about how I graduate soon and how I will have to make some decisions that will affect the course of my life forever. I also think about the past and wonder if I really regret some of the things I did or if it was unavoidable and for the best as I learned so much from it.
So nothing really profound, just everyday stupid thoughts.

Q: does anyone else feel disappointed the Anathema forum was closed down?
A: Not me.

Q: What do you like to read?
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