A: All of my dreams are bizarre, but one comes to mind from not long ago.. I dreamed I had sex with someone I havent seen in like 5 years and never really cared about in the first place.. when I woke up I was like "WTF was that all about? Why do I ever remember her?"
Q: What do you expect from the movie "Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy"?
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. Or Tori Amos or Sage Francis (which I've listened to constantly for the last week or so) or Pineapple Thief or Antimatter (Legions sounds awesome) or some others. I don't listen to all that much stuff outside of metal, but enough to make a good list.
Am I the only one who thinks that Anathema's new DVD sucks balls?
a: i don't know because there are some episodes from my childhood that i remember because i've seen pictures taken during them... this makes the recall process a bit murky.
q: what is your stance towards gay couples adopting children?
A: I actually think it's wrong. Their want for a baby means one thing - They're batting for the wrong fucking team. The abuse the child could potentially get is disgusting to think of, and its really not good for kids not to have a mother figure. It can fuck them up for ever... and the bitch in the relationship playing the mother figure will fuck the kid up even more than having no mother at all so gays should get away from babies.
Q: Taboos - what do you make of the concept of this generic term for social discretion?