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a: i would find sex to be more intense and pleasurable if my partner was ever in love with me. last time it happened it was 1998.

q: and you?
@La Rocque: Yeah, no shit genius.

I find sex to be pretty nonexistent in my life, with or without a partner, so I couldn't say. And I only realized the irony in that after I thought it.

How much do (/did/would) the looks of your significant other affect your affection?
a: difficult. i think i want to have a "catch" on my hands if i'm not really, really in love, so looks count if i'm only mildly interested - could turn mild interest to wanting to go out together. but if i'm taken by personality, looks ain't important.

q: (was i the no shit genius? but that's not my q) do you think there is a difference between men and women in the importance given to looks? no shit.

edit: no, i wasn't. :lol:
A: A Volvo.

Q: You?
A: Yes, but heavy metal soothes my neck at the same time.

Q: What's your internet search engine of choice?
A: Nevar. However, I've seen drunken Hasidic Rabbis dancing on tables. Comedy gold!

Q: What computer program do you use to play MP3s?
A: He looks like a child molester.
A2: I have never gone jiggy wit it, dawg.

Q: Don't you think Desmond Tutu would be a better pope?
A: Anyone would be better than someone who served in Hitler Youth and has branded other Christian churches as deficient. :Smug:

Q: Aren't your hopes for peace and understanding in the world already crushed?
@siren: hey, hold it. he was about twelve at the time of being mandatorily enrolled in the hitler youth and, when older (a grand age of eighteen), he happened to desert the nazi army, just so you know. :)

a: not that i ever had many, but no, the few i had aren't.

q: any comment to add? i'm interested.
A: Yeah. I don't want anyone brainwashed by the nazis during his childhood holding such a high position. :p
I haven't read much about him yet (and yes, i did know about the obligatory service), but some of his stances on big issues kinda make me worry and think that maybe he's not too far ideologically from those days after all..

Q: someone else? this is interesting.
A: When I look at the collection of Radicals in the US or China, or Corea Im getting rather desperate.. we'll see what comes of it.

Q: I was told the last two Sonata Arctica albums are quite good.. should I give them a try? :err:

On a sidenote: Both my grandfathers were in the Hitler Youth as well, that alone doesnt mean much, from around 36 on, everyone was. By the time the war ended my grandfathers were 19 and 16
I once said that my my father's father only carried ammunition to the anti aircraft cannons.. turns out that's not entirely true. It's what he told my father years ago, but when I talked with him about it, he told me he was shooting down planes or operating the aiming devices.. that's a pretty disturbing thought actually
@Taliesin: you shouldn't be disturbed by it, i don't think it makes much of a difference, it was a war after all and they were fighting for their country.
i'm just sceptical on whether the current pope will continue building bridges. maybe the black guy would have been a better choice, he was at least more likeable.
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