New Question&Answer Thread!

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A: baby.

Q: Is it just me or is the actying in the most recent 3 Musketeers film absolutely atrocious?
A: If you want to, why not? :grin:

Q: Am I supposed to ask an incredibly intelligent question now, or one that will inquire deep into your personal feelings of self-doubt, anger and general misery?
a/q: something along the lines of "do you paint your face white and go around in fishnet stockings even if you're extremely fat"?
A: do you paint your face, no
go around in fishnet stockings, no
even if you're extremely fat, I'm not fat I'm thin
So my answer is would not

Q: What is the fastest you've ever driven a car?
A: Sleep, putzing, sleep, eat, sleep, take out the trash, sleep.

Q: What are you currently worried about?
a: my deadline on wednesday.

q: why does next wednesday has to be so terrible?
A: Wednesday has angered the gods. Either that, or it's just unlucky.

Q: Do you think that all the ideals and hopes for the 21st century everyone had on December 31st 1999 have been completely defeated?
A: Yeah, kinda. I've got the exam on Wednesday, but I'm kinda looking forward to it. At least getting it over with and starting Contemporary Jurisprudence.

Q: Should I vacuum my room now?
Nah. Vacuuming sucks, I only do it when I get that spontanous urge to vacuum...the catalyst being a few centimetres of dust on the floor and a million flower leaves on behind the computer.

What are you not looking forward to?
No. Strangely never even tried getting into those bands. I mean yeah, I've heard Smoke On The Water, Stairway To Heaven and Iron Man. And that's it. So I'm sort of indifferent when it comes to bands of that sort.

What do you think about Devin Townsend?
A: I like his musical talent and variation. Probably prefer his Ocean Machine/Devin Townsend acts to Strapping Young's all good though.

Q: What do you think about The Kovenant?
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