New Question&Answer Thread!

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A: If we haven't gone to Egypt yet when we get married, then we'll probably go there :) Or some other nice, shiny, beautiful place.

Q: Do you want to get married someday?
If you already are married, is there something you'd like to change about your marriage?
A: Well, Croatian of course ;) Then English, Italian and Swedish. I CAN understand some Spanish, but not too good at it anyways.

Q: same...?
A: English, French and German of course. Id love to learn Arabic :)

Q: If you had a band and could play one gig, with whom and wherever you wanted, what would your choices be?
A: $150.

Q: Going to watch Star Wars Episode III soon?
A: No. It's a stupid Judeo-Christian lie. LIES!!!

Q: When's the last time you went to a church/place of worship?
On my wedding day (3 years ago). But maybe also later cause there were some funerals, I dont really remember - long time ago. :grin: Its the same with me as with solefald, I believe but I dont see any point going to church, the only really interesting part for me is the sermon (and to hear a really good one is a miracle where I live), but the parts before and after are pretty boring. Im not quite happy with this situation though.

A: It has been some years... I don't remember when was the last time. I don't very much like churches. Partly because all "church religions" I know go against my beliefs.

Q: You?
A: I have an odd attitude when it comes to believing... but let's say that I don't believe in God. I had been going to church a loooot when I was a kid, but that's only cos I was thaught and raised that way. When I got older and started to think about religion and its concept, ideas, values etc. I started to dislike the whole movement. Anyways, the answer should be - June '03. My grandma died and since my Mom and all the relatives are chatolics I joined them after the funeral. I did it only cos I knew my grandma would've liked it, but it was a pure torture.

Q: Would you like a special song to be played on your funeral? ( I mentioned a funeral, so I got this idea...)
A: "Under the sea" from The Little Mermaid soundtrack. I want my body dumped into the sea. :)

Q: You?
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