New Question&Answer Thread!

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A: Yes, I believe in aliens. They are among us.

Q: What was the last song you heard (or currently listening to)?
A: Metal Church - The Fight Song

Q: Ditto.
a: well, if i stop and think i find out that i'm environmentally conscious, in the sense that i reckon sustainable behavior is needed if we want to preserve ourselves. but i sort of see it more like a constraint than a cause - if we don't "save the planet" it will hardly spare us. if, on the other hand, you were talking of more proactive ways of saving the planet: yeah, i sometimes think about putting a gun to my head. and fire.

q: name a band you like eventhough it is totally different from the rest of the bands you like.
A. Did you mean romantic as in the era? If so, I would agree in general.

Q. If/when you see a dog without its owner, do you stop and look for a tag on it to see if you can return it? Do you keep going and hope someone else does? Or do you not even notice it?
A: stick my head in the sand.

Q: do you agree that people who don't appreciate doggy kisses are probably just cold, empty, heartless shells of humans? (I sound like idari.)
A: I don't like dogs, so I must disagree.

(yes, romantic period not popcultural cliche romanticism, which usually isn't romantic)

Q: Do you read George R.R. Martin's A Song Of Ice & Fire?
I've read half a page earlier today...and the back cover. I will read those books sometime, for sure, unless they prove to be boring of course. A Game Of Thrones was just rather expensive (~40 euro) (and in Finnish), so I bought Neil Gaiman's Coraline (6 euro). ;)

Now, what do you think about Neil Gaiman?
(where (not eBay) can I buy the Sandman comics from?)

Jesus, can't Deron make the damn euro sign work here? Don't answer that. I know the code for it works, but oh no ALT + e, nope.
A: Neil Gaiman is a brilliant storyteller, Sandman, American Gods, Neverwheres, his works are so adoreably bizarre, it just warms my heart. Poetry for the misfit.
And Good Omens was the funniest book I ever read.

Q: Why isn't Rob Halford venerate by the gay scene?
He's...well he's an artist whose Swordfishtrombones album I downloaded ages ago. One of his songs is on the Shrek 2 soundtrack that I downloaded a while ago and I really like it, so I thought I'd better finally listen to Swordfishtrombones too. I didn't find it that amazing, but then his music is very different from what I've listened to before and I didn't give it a very deep listen.
In a broad sense he's a bit like Nick Cave, I guess, but only in a broad sense. His voice sounds like he's been smoking 10 packs a day for 40 years and drank the Atlantic Ocean's worth of whiskey.

I dunno about the most impressive sight, sorry...someone else answer that.
Just someone tell me what the best Tom Waits album is too!
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