New Question&Answer Thread!

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A: Green, blue, white, and simple.

Q: What song is on your mind lately?
A: This horrible Alice Cooper "Poison" song is stuck in my head :( three different people sang it at metal karaoke yesterday night, and now I can't get it out, arghh!!! "I wanna kiss you, but I want it too much
I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison.
You're poison running through my veins...".... :S

Q: and you?
They always play Poison at a bar we go to with friends as well...just about every weekend. Same thing with some Maiden song and Metallica's Whiskey In The Jar. What the hell makes Whiskey In The Jar such an important song that it has to be played everywhere? My friend keeps reminding me that Poison is Cooper's worst song ever, btw.
Anyway, I was thinking of some song that's been in my head once in a while lately, but now I can't get it into my head. Something to do with relationships and stuff.

What's your greatest fear?
A: We do nothing, really.

Q: What exotic food would you like to try out?
A: With books, yes. Everything else, no.

Q: What's your favorite Christmas song?
A: Midway through infinity, of Gallery
Q: Don't you think that eating plants is as cruel as eating aninals?
A: No. Don't want to screw up my knees.

Q: Have you heard Nightwish's version of "Over the hills and far away"?
a: nope. i actually tend to throw away all things to which i have a sentimental attachment after a while, because sentimental attachment to things is idiotic. sentimental attachment to people is even more so, but one can't throw people away.

q: do you have any friends that really you cannot stand?
a: well, it's weird. most of my close friends sometimes i really hate, but then they do something beautiful and i keep on being hooked to them.

q: go on.
A: of course there are things in my friends that annoy me from time to time, but i wouldn't go as far as to say "i can't stand them". if it gets to that point, i simply don't consider them friends anymore.

Q: how would you want to spend christmas next year?
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