New record progress Updates

Oh, it's a long and dull story of an internet-friendship...

I'm entering the forum almost each 3 hours to check updates... It distracts me wrom work %)
I don't have i-net at home anymore :(
Hello all. I stumbled upon Tears of Mortal Solitude a few months ago (I had never heard of Forest Stream before), and I was immediately impressed by this work of art. Snowfall and Winter Solstice are my favorite songs on the album. So much emotion in your music...more folks should hear the beauty and majesty of your work. I am waiting in eager anticipation to see what your next work of art has to offer!

Viva Forest Stream!!!
I agree with you, beast. I think that more people should hear FS! Let's spread it all over the world? :)
The news are: We are back from touring so this weekend the album will be finished (writing and recording demo). Next week we are in the studio + we have to send this demo to several labels as it was already agreed.
2 Monroe. Estakada venue in Moscow - tracking. Miing'n'mastering Tower Studio in France.
God.... we've finished the most difficult song in the world... it was the Crown of Winter. Talking with THE labels and the Mixing Master!