New record progress Updates

Sonm! Great news! *crossing fingers* Ah! I've been thinking a lot about the situation formed around FS and not only... Blin, I want you to pierce through the "rotten metal things".

The speed of the video transfer is so-o slow... heh. Does Kir really play at home?.. I mean in a common flat? %)
Cool video (and music of course) :)
Are you gonna record with a real drumkit though or an electronic one like this one?
It can be done both ways tho! What is the most preferable for you? We thought of doing 50%/50% triggering/real sound but in principle having 100% triggered is fine as well, isn't it?
IN order to record a real drum kit you have to have:
1) A real drumkit (a good one)
2) A place to record it in
3) Good mics
4) Enough time
5) Good drummer

I am afraid we just have 3 out of 5... But we'll try it anyway
I am deeply amazed by the lyrics of The Mire. These are trully beautiful Sonm! To tell you the truth, I was expecting Forest Stream to loose some originality and style after their previous perfection of "Tears of Mortal Solitude", but you have proven me wrong. While reading these words I found myself in deep thought and true amazement. The poem took me places that my consciousness cries for. Somewhere on the edge, yet very deep inside, and everywhere that matters. Worry not about your English for if it sounds beautiful to you it will most likely sound as such to us. The captured moments are far more important. Choice of words should not be restricted or limited by prejudice and bias of grammar freaks. It is a poem, not a legal document. With that said, I officially can't wait for the new album and to hear The Mire as a song.
Thank you for saying that. The song is actually called "The MireD" - those who dwell in the mire. Those, who drowned as they find it more comfortable than being alive so to speak...

As an update.

We've started to work on the last song (yet our hearts long for more...and I work on it under cover:))), which is called "At the last shore"... Twice more mournful and crestfallen than the one called Snowfall. We also plan to play a gig with a greek band Zemial in Moscow on 2d of March. New songs + two covers on Emperor will be offered. The show will take place at Castle Rock venue. No support bands will be present. Just two grim bands from Russia and Greece. So it goes.
I love how I had the screen name here before Kir became your drummer. My name is not even Kir. Sorry man, I don't mean to tease at your identity. I'm really happy that Forest Stream found you, real drummers are way more soul then midi drum loops. Awesome drumming on THE MIRED!
А кто будет продюссером нового альбома, если не секрет?:rolleyes:
Я бы настоятельно порекомендовал Евгения Виноградова!:headbang:
Мистер Виноградов, это продюссер трёх альбомов группы Forgive-Me-Not, звучание которых просто ИДЕАЛЬНО ! Я и мой брат Twiggy Filth советуем попросить дядюшку Виноградова помочь Вам в этом деле) Кстати, для большей уверенности, послушайте альбомы F-M-N : Perfect Innocence, Heavenside и Suicide Сервис.
Желаем удачи:headbang: :worship: :Smokin:
Спасибо за совет...Но в данный момент нам нужны советы другого сорта. Как избавиться от той или иной мании... У нас. Не знаю как у остальных, но у меня лично и у гитариста Омина последнее время обозначилась хворь некая... причём на голову... Можем часами сидеть, глядя в одну точку и говорить лишь одно словосочетание... Тут уж не до записи...
Держите мя двое... ща опять начнётся... три проклятых слова... ненавижу...:puke:
за что?????!!!!!
Cheer up dark souls! Drink some blood or somthing. Sharpen your fangs and go out for a nice hunt of innocent blood. mmmmmmmmmmm. bloooooooooood