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It happens that i know a little bit more of biology than you guys.

Then surely with your superior understanding you can explain to us how you know there are more bacteria on the genitals than "anywhere else" on the body including the mouth, feet or anus. I assume it is also no trouble for you to tell us how "more bacteria" is synonymous with "less clean", because as you already know of course there are different types of bacteria with different functions.
How did that happen?
I have no idea. For Gym, each class is worth 1/4 of a credit and we need 1/2 and somehow my other Gym class did not get on there and now I have to deal with it. My counselor is known for screwing people over. She screwed over my twin sister, so it looks like we will be there together, well, that is if she does not go get her GED. And I know this guy (he is 25), we were talking about it and he went to the same high school I did and had the same exact counselor and he got screwed over aswell. There are many more cases but I don't need to list anymore.

Just ask if there is anything extra curricular that you can do; most schools will let you.
Well, since my grades are due Friday she won't let me. And there is this thing were you can do so many hours of community service and get so many credits, but all she said was "No, I don't think so. You can handle 9 weeks next year, right?" and I just walked out. I couldn't even say anything because if I did, it would of been something crazy.

Yeah, same for me. My counselor said that I'll need to take summer school or some shit like that.
I really don't want to take Summer school because it will cost about $300.00 for me and I am not on that and I don't think my mom is on that either. I mean, 9 weeks out of a 36 week school year is not too bad but it is not like I messed up, they did.
It happens that i know a little bit more of biology than you guys.

Isn't the notion of citing a source when appropriate like, the first thing taught in any science class? Not to be a dick or anything; but quit acting like such an incorrigible, condescending little bitch and post a link or something.
Throw a bitchfit if you have to, but be sure to point out how they are at fault (just make sure they actually are).
Seriously, if you're a good student and you're threatening to make trouble they'll bend the rules a bit to help you graduate.
So I'm starting to think that women have this "single radar" because all the time I was with my now ex girls left me completely alone, but since I broke up with her I've ended up with one girl basically telling me she's going to fuck me as soon as she sees me next, another girl come out with liking me, and a customer start flirting with me - all in the course of one day.

I'm liking this change
I'm tempted to ask about the obvious tension between unknown and V5.

So, like, Tom Brady makes a dumb thread and unknown closes it, but then V5 opens it again? What's up with that? Seems to me like a little undermining of authority.
So, like, Tom Brady makes a dumb thread and unknown closes it, but then V5 opens it again? What's up with that?

What a drama right? But reopening a Moss thread is so very not-Andy, maybe they've had an argument right?
Throw a bitchfit if you have to, but be sure to point out how they are at fault (just make sure they actually are).
Oh, it was all their faults. I got my principal, counselor, and teacher all in one room this morning. Nothing good happened, but atleast I tried. I asked how my problem was possible and this is how it went, last 9 weeks I was failing 1 of my 2 Gym classes, so I went to my counselor to where I got it twice a day for this 9 weeks. And as she is going through my schedule and transcript, she said it was never on there and my Gym teacher never had me on her class list. My counselor never put what I needed to do in the computer. My teacher and counselor both knew I was in that class, but since it was never recorded, I never got the grade. That is why I had a blank on my interim for last block. I just thought it was because I was doing good in both Gym classes and the one counted for both (dumb, I know). And after all that, I asked my principal how we could fix this and she said "Ask your teacher, she is the one giving you the grade.", so I did and my teacher said "Well, since you were not on my class list, you were not in the computer, and not responsible enough to check up on everything to make it right, I am not giving you it and you skipped my class 4 times and skippers don't derseve this. We always thought you were the other Gym teacher's AIDE anyways." and all of that, I said "Thanks, thanks for nothing. You are really going to keep me for 9 weeks?" and I slammed the door and walked home. I didn't want to do anything crazy. I pretty much felt like crying and burning that place down.

Seriously, if you're a good student and you're threatening to make trouble they'll bend the rules a bit to help you graduate.
They are not helping me at all. The 26th I will get a notice saying I am not graduating and to see me next year.