New Social Thread

I met with a National Guard recruiter yesterday to talk about joining and whatnot (been considering it for a while now). Apparently the unit that is closest to me is going to Afghanistan sometime in the fall/winter, which means if I joined sometime this summer that I'd be going to Afghanistan, again. That wasn't exactly my plan. I was mostly looking for some financial/tuition assistance along with my G.I. Bill, and a reason to stay in shape. Now I have to contemplate if I want to go back to war again or just not join.


Why do you need any tuition assistance? The post 9/11 bill covers everything.
Yeah, I did pass that and that isn't too funny because I know my writing sucks. Most of the teachers I had didn't care and it so happens to be every English teacher I had didn't care and I was taught how to write poorly but I really don't care. That is something I can improve in.

As I said, they are not passing me because my counselor never put that class on my schedule like she was supposed to and my actaul teacher thought I was an AIDE for the
other Gym teacher so she is not passing me. Also because I skipped that class 4 times and was not responsible enough to check up on my stuff. I thought I didn't have to. My counselor should of did her job and not be lazy.

Bring this up to the principal, if he plays dumb then ask him for the number of his superintendent. Nothing will scare the shit out of a man who knows he can be fired when he doesn't control his lax staff.
All she needs is a fucking diploma and then she never has to deal with him again. If I was in her place I would do whatever I thought would get me my diploma.

Of course, when I was in her place I checked with my guidance counselor a couple times and asked her "I'm all set to graduate, right?" and I made sure my credits added up and I didn't skip class.
no one likes you man and ur gay

Only for you babe ;)

You actually responded exactly how I thought you would, falling back on your classics - "shit", "gay", and "good", and dropping all structure in your sentences. For what it's worth, you didn't tell me my band is shit or my dick is shit or anything of that nature, and that is a disappointment.
I met with a National Guard recruiter yesterday to talk about joining and whatnot (been considering it for a while now). Apparently the unit that is closest to me is going to Afghanistan sometime in the fall/winter, which means if I joined sometime this summer that I'd be going to Afghanistan, again. That wasn't exactly my plan. I was mostly looking for some financial/tuition assistance along with my G.I. Bill, and a reason to stay in shape. Now I have to contemplate if I want to go back to war again or just not join.


if you join the guard youre a fag
Apparently I'm not allowed to say the Aerosmith song "Dream On" is ass on the Old School Metal subforum, as my post containing that statement was deleted by the mods.
I'm in a fairly relaxed mood after a few beers and two glasses of Jack n' Coke. My friend visited and we listened to some Schubert and Woven Hand. I'm trying to keep myself occupied; my girlfriend left on a plane for Shanghai at about 3:30 p.m. and she's supposed to be calling me from the plane via Skype sometime this evening. Needless to say, I'm a bit anxious over her going.
I'm in a fairly relaxed mood after a few beers and two glasses of Jack n' Coke. My friend visited and we listened to some Schubert and Woven Hand. I'm trying to keep myself occupied; my girlfriend left on a plane for Shanghai at about 3:30 p.m. and she's supposed to be calling me from the plane via Skype sometime this evening. Needless to say, I'm a bit anxious over her going.

I'll never forget bawling the night before Man-Purse left for Shanghai (though that was due to other factors I will not utter here). We didn't know about Skype at the time and it was kind of stressful on accounta it was my first LDR. How long is she there for? Skype makes everything OK.