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Yes, it covers everything, but it's only a limited amount of money.

:lol: shut up. The guard unit is closer and it's basically the same thing as the Army.

what benefits are they promising you? I'm pretty sure youre getting suckered and the guard is really a joke, laughing stock of the Army
I'll never forget bawling the night before Man-Purse left for Shanghai (though that was due to other factors I will not utter here). We didn't know about Skype at the time and it was kind of stressful on accounta it was my first LDR. How long is she there for? Skype makes everything OK.

She's there for about two months. She has an internship with a company whose name I can't recall at the moment.
That shit is like taking ice cream scoops out of your brain. And I know, because that is a purely scientific statement right there.

But ice cream scoops are not supposed to be in my brain...

"Supposedly?" You'd remember that. Boy I tell you what, I'll never forget that as long as I live.

After I took it I took these sleeping pills that a friend said would cause me to see things and feel like I was in a dream (after taking the X I noticed that everyone else was all hyper and my mind was not "blown" so I wanted more :lol:).
He also said "just try not to fall asleep". I remember feeling like I was standing in the middle of the room holding a tray with glasses on it and wearing a hat, but then I noticed I was still just sitting in a chair without a hat. Then I passed out pretty fast.
I say supposedly because I'm still new to the whole drugs thing and do not know how long it takes for that stuff to work or how it is supposed to feel.

:lol: It was probably just date rape drugs. :erk:
I did not have pornographic activity with a fookin' creature!!

I am a fucking intellectual, fucking get it you fucking cunts. [/rl concerning rant]

Your fucking asshole you fucking cunt. I fucking ran away from Prague to those fucking forests so I don't see fucking people all the time so it's just yu and me you cunt. And btw, I have had like four days w/out alcohol, just jerking off and listening to Shostakovich, suck on that fag. Show me something more intelectual.