New Social Thread

:lol: No. I was in elementary school the first time, middle school the second one, and an interested MILF did it to me recently.

The other day I was walking home from uni on a sunny but windy day. I'm just minding my own business staring into space when suddenly i notice a tight, golden ass right in front of my eyes. My initial reaction was that I'd died and gone to that place Dakryn was talking about, but after recovering my sensibilities I notice it's actually attached to some poor woman whose summer dress is flapping all over the place in the breeze.

At first I got kinda embarrassed because, although she hasn't seen me, she's pushing a kid in a pram with one hand and trying to cover her ass with her other, and I'm just there gawping, but then she turns round with the DIRTIEST smile ever.

She was SMOKING hot as well, probably about mid 30s, looked kind of eastern european.

I think if I'd been listening to thrash or similar I might've followed up on it - unfortunately it was Austere and she took me by surprise. I mustered the best "you know you want me lady" face and carried on walking. I hope to see her again in the park some day, or my boner is gonna hate me forever.

^:lol: I'm ready for females. I'm 21, it's now or never, :)

On a more serious note, don't let all those stupid "30 year old virgin," "22 year old nerd is lyk soooooo gay" and "lol metalhead virgin everybody laugh lol" films pressure you into thinking you're supposed to be foaming at the mouth for ladies by this age. Most of your posts seem to suggest that you are just trying to pull a girl because you feel like you should, and that's not really gonna imbue you with the confidence you need. Just chill out until you find one who really makes it seem worth the effort. In fact, ideally, a girl who it doesn't even seem like effort to woo - you should enjoy the courting process itself too, ya know.
You know Derek, you play a guitar and you do that one other activity that I forgot that you mentioned that chicks love. If you honestly follow those persuits as actual fields of interest, then simply focus on them. I mean, you're 21.. almost the peak of one's creativity. Focus on making your band the most kickass there is. Write a bestselling book. Climb the everest while there is still juice in your knees. Aim for a higher peak and pussy will come on all fours begging.
Does anyone else think Derek is a slightly less pissed off Chris-chan?


I kid, I kid. But seriously Derek stay away from females until you're ready.
:lol: at the last few posts.
At krampus: I do see some facial similarities between me and that guy. But I'm not fat and my ass isn't that big. And my room doesn't have toys lined up like that:p
Since I'm such a good sport, I do plan on taking a pic of me in that pose, hopefully in my room.:lol:
Wow, first day it's already dead here. Most Euro people and the few unfortunate souls who couldn't go down to Maryland.
Can you try to use proper grammar? You must know how. That post should have read:

I can't wait to go fishing tomorrow. I've never been fishing before. I've been on some boats, but we were just taking the boat out.

See the difference? One doesn't make me want to smack you.
Yeah, I do know how to use proper grammer and I don't have to try, I just don't do it. I don't really see why I have to be so proper. Yes, if I used my grammar more properly, everyone on here probably would look at me different. I'm just really lazy about it when I would probably get made fun of anyways if I were to be proper. But I really don't care (I should though). And yes, I do see the difference. I am not dumb. Smack me? You are not the only one.
Stephanie, you don't need to pay attention to or correct yourself for that whiney brat.
Oh, I know that but thank you for telling me that Valerie. I can totally see what he means though. Writing/typing more properly would benefit me later on in my life and I would be so used to it, but I just don't care anymore (right now I don't care). It's not like anyone on here has any expectations for me to live up to and I am going to meet anyone.
It's really not just me. People will be more willing to read your posts. It will also help us to sympathize with you when you tell us they won't give you a high school diploma, because when you use phrases like "I never been" it makes me think maybe they had the right idea.

EDIT: Hrm. Extra douchey tonight. W/e.
Well, my writing in school is 100% different from what I type on here. I spend hours and constant proof reading/correcting on my work. On here, I spend like what, 2 minutes. And me not graduating has nothing to do with my important classes and learning. It was freaking gym. You are right, more people might be more willing. Maybe I will work on that.
The way people type online tends to develop as a habit, and its not easy changing a habit, so give Stephanie a break. For however long she's been using the internet, she's probably typed the way she's typed, and it most likely isn't going to change.
Shouldn't you be cleaning your rifle?
I'm worried, though. Your testosterone must be dipping dangerously low, given that you didn't directly question anyone's manhood for an entire post.