New Social Thread

Something is baking, over my head
Be it washers of clothes or loafies of bread
Can be no thunderstorm
And no insect swarm
Something is baking, over my head...
- Helltic Frost
Fucking Richard Lagberg from Wombbath wrote to me on youtube and thanked me for putting Prevent Anemia in my Greatest Moments in Metal youtube series

I am giddy like a schoolgirl haha
Ha awesome. Reminds me of the convo I had over a weeks time with Daniel Corchado as I was waiting for the Farseeing pre-release to start. I've also talked to the guy behind viral load/insidious decrepancy... and he seemed pretty cool too.
One of the old Ulver members commented on a video my friend had on YouTube of himself playing some riffs from Nattens Madrigal.
You realize of course, that most of these guys are now just average shmucks who are probably deeply honored that people are still listening to and worshiping shit they did as teenagers.
I got to meet and chat with Tom Angelripper and also chatted with Richard from summoning over the net and got both Summoning members to sign a copy of 'The Sounds Of Middle Earth' lp boxset.:cool:
I hung out with Shawn Drover after a Megadeth concert. Also, hung out and chatted with the entirety of Odin's Court, not that they're celebrities or anything.
Years ago there was a tour called the Blackest of the Black tour and my friends and I went when it came through Phoenix. It was Danzig, Behemoth, Superjoint Ritual, and some other bands. Somehow we ended up on Superjoint Ritual's bus. We met Phil Anselmo and he was, predictably, a self-absorbed jackass. Their manager gave us a bunch of money to go buy them food. So we went and got some food at some place but only spent half of it. I think he gave us like $150. So what did we do with the rest of the money? We took off and went to Dennys and had a feast. Fuck Superjoint Ritual.
I've personally met tons of celebrities, but no musicians worth mentioning.

The best online interactions that I've had were with Brendan Perry of Dead Can Dance and David Gold from Woods of Ypres. David Gold sent me some hate email because I said something about not liking them on another site and he read it. He also threatened me with physical violence if I ever went to one of their shows. I was kind of embarrassed for him.
That is SHAMEFUL, what a tool!

@Dakryn Priestess can suck my balls. They effed up something during their setup when I saw them and blew out an amp and I've been half-deaf in my left ear ever since.