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I stopped enjoying smoking. I used to really like the flavor and the relaxation, but being able to smell stuff and not have a 24/7 phlegmy need to clear my throat started to feel more and more appealing. It's really embarrassing trying to hide your smokers' phlegm blob cough after you finish a meal - waiting to go to the bathroom so you can cough there. It's just one wet throat-clear, but it's alarmingly disgusting sounding. Keep in mind I'm normal sized (not grotesquely overweight or anything), 23 years old, and started smoking at 19.

It is nice now that when I run, my legs get tired before I get out of breath.
visit a therapist and say you want buproprion; it's an antidepressant sort of medication but they use it in certain forms (i think it's called zyban?) to help people quit smoking. basically it makes you peppy and energetic and happy so it works as an antidepressant but it works in the cessation of smoking in that since you're happy and peppy and the chemicals in your brain are working like that, you don't have as much craving to smoke since you aren't lethargic and in need of that quick dopamine hit you get from the cigarette.

check it out there; patches and stuff are just going to put more nicotine in your brain but with this you can just active the happy brain chemicals to keep you from needing to smoke for a while so you can quit yet it's not an addicting high or anything so you can just use it to bump up your levels to offset while you quit and then stop it after. the only thing is your doctor might put you on something else to help in addition because sometimes high doses can cause seizures in people (it's super rare but they still don't want to take a chance)
Or she could grow some balls and continue to tough it out like a woMAN, which is not only more respectable but more gratifying. Resulting to taking drugs to overcome your problems is completely stupid imo. I just had this conversation with my girlfriend last night. She has a mild case of OCD about a bunch of shit really, but she mentioned how she wants to take drugs to deal with her anxiety which I completely disagreed with and let her know about it. You'd be surprised what the human mind is cable of if someone just tried. Drugs are nothing but a cruch for dealing with reality, just as much as smoking in the first place.
Yeah, cold turkey without "help" is the way most people quit for good.

Yesterday was particularly bad but I feel fine today. I'm mainly concerned that I'm going to end up drunk this weekend and take an idling puff from someone else. It'll take effort not to do that, but it's for a good cause. I've already disassociated smoking and work, let's see if smoking and drinking can get pulled apart.
Good luck with quitting Krampus.

I actually stopped smoking for about 4 months cold turkey. The reason I picked it up again is mainly because of work. Smoking is an excuse to get away from customers for 5 minutes. I've stopped smoking at uni, while I drink, at home, while I'm driving and all the other times I smoke. It's just work that I can't help it. Need stronger will I guess.
Why do they call it "cold turkey?" I could Google this.

I understand about the work thing Episteme. It's really difficult breaking the morning routine of getting to work, having coffee and yogurt, going to the bathroom to put on makeup, and then heading to the smoking room (which is right next to the bathroom) for a morning smoke.
9.50,that's fucking cheap as I pay fucking $17.50 for my PJ 30's which is way too dear.The gov. here has put a huge tax on cigs to try and stop ppl from smoking but it just makes poor ppl even poorer,they still smoke them,i'm gonna quit soon in the next few months,once i'm over pot.I've had great results using Hypnotherapy,I quit easily for 3 years from hypno but took it up a few years later after a work pissup.Hypnotherapy was so easy and I could tell str8 away that it had worked.
Yeah that's the case with NY too, but smokers gonna smoke. $17.50 is absolutely insane. One of many reasons for quitting is that I just can't afford to spend that much in USA; cigarettes are more than 3x the price they are here (and even Japan is raising its prices!).
It's nothing more than gov. revenue raising,they should've put them up to $50 but $17.50 is fucked, not enough for ppl to seriously consider quitting but it's certainly keeping the gov. rich.