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plus a lot of people can't and don't quit without help. I THINK I can do it but if I relapse over and over again I'm going to try a new approach.

btw Enemy I never thanked you for the tips. If I can't deal with this on my own I'll look into it.

also Tegan and Sara are hot.
I have personally witnessed people destroy themselves with drug abuse. I've never understood why people even try things like heroin. Even if you consider yourself a recreational user - the 'recreation' ends completely when you move on to the hard stuff. Plus, it smells horrible
Hypnotherapy is how I quit for 4 or so years,I could'nt believe how well it worked but I had a couple of smokes at a work pissup a few years ago and that was that,I went str8 back to charring them into me again.
Does anyone consider themselves a recreational user of heroin? My viewpoint is that if you're using anything harder than pot or certain party drugs, it's either not recreational or it won't be for long.
Mathiäs;9305513 said:
I have personally witnessed people destroy themselves with drug abuse. I've never understood why people even try things like heroin. Even if you consider yourself a recreational user - the 'recreation' ends completely when you move on to the hard stuff. Plus, it smells horrible

Having done such named "hard" drug, I can tell you it's all about the mentality. Something like weed is something social, something that is accessible to today's norm so such a recreational drug can be associated with a peer pressure. People who do hard drugs honestly yearn to feel what the body can do with a little inducing. What the brain can evoke with a little initiative if you will. Sure it takes a bit of "not giving a fuck", but the curiosity is all but the main force involved. The quandary almost always falls in that it feels too good. Drugs simply take what chemically makes you feel good which is natural and pumps that shit unnaturally putting your brian (lolz) on overdrive (duh) easily putting someone who doesn't give a fuck in the first place in a state mind of not even thinking about giving a fuck. But in the end, certain ways of thinking bring this such as being in atheist or being canonical. TBH, most addicts I know are athiest (this i before e shit is a myth btwS).

$17.50 Australian x $0.900268 U.S. (current U.S./Aussie exchange rate) = $15.75 U.S.
Approximately $8 American in Canada
About $9.50 in New York
$4 - $6.50 (Depending on brand) in Nebraska
Question: How the fuck does anyone afford to smoke in Australia?
It's fucking hard...gone are the days of bumming smokes at work.I'm all for them getting rid of smokes but rather than tax the fuck outt've them knowing full well ppl are still gonna buy them.It's a joke,next they are talking about introducing plain packaging,I don't know if that will make any difference at all.They're (the gov.) just fucking rogues.I see poor looking ppl all the time with cigs in their hands/mouth and wonder the same thing.
Bullshit! I'd rather see them charge what it's actually worth for cigs. Don't forget that the gov.(government) makes money from the tax they place on tobacco. They should at least make it reasonable, but capitalism is a lost art anywayz
Me too,I think they also use the excuse of hospitalization for cancer suffers as part of this tax(the cost).Their reasoning is the health issue,trying to get ppl off cigs and if that's the case they should actually help those quit that want to quit by subsidising 'Champix' rather than milk smokers dry.
In America, all those extra tobacco taxes go towards fancy anti-smoking ad campaigns. They could spend the money on helping people to quit, but instead we get multi-million dollar "Which town is next?" billboards and faggoty "JEL" PSA's.

Fuck helping people quit, it's hopeless. Just like in rehab, you're the only helping yourself. I went 5 years smoking then went 3 and half months in basic training without touching a cig and had no trouble. Thinking is all it takes (dumbies), and I'm back because I like the taste and I know I'm an idiot.......

edit: and fyi tobacco those ads are paid by the TOBACCO companies. Don't get it twisted
more respectable? so someone quitting heroin should just go cold turkey instead of using modern medicine to help them with something like methadone or suboxone?

Yeah, I said more respectable. Btw, we're talking about quitting smoking here, not heroin. Stay on topic.

stick to your foolish pride in thinking you're toughing stuff out;

It has nothing to do with pride smart guy, it has everything to do with not putting foreign substances in one's body that will help alleviate one problem, but cause about 295283924 others. Prolonged use of any type of drug is detrimental to the body, more-so than dealing with slight anxiety problems that one could easily deal with without the use of drugs. It's called mental fortitude, apparently you've never heard of it.

i'll use modern medicine to help me make things easier and not put myself in a situation of discomfort that i can avoid (if i ever get addicted to something i'm definitely going to use something to help me withdraw, some can even kill you but i guess those people just weren't tough enough am i rite).


also your thing with your girlfriend is retarded; if she has ocd and a real anxiety disorder you do realize its actually a biological difference from you right? people with those problems are more prone to anxiety and get intense adrenaline rushes or the feeling of what people would refer to as butterflies in their stomach all the time from really minor things. it's not a matter of her not trying to overcome her anxiety, it's that biologically some people just have differences in mental states/bodily reactions. anxiety can be crippling for some people for no reason and they don't know why, thats why they've developed long acting benzo's, antidepressants and other medicines to help people. either you have a giant ego or you think about modern medicine like a caveman that butt fucked someone from jersey shore.

You do know people have a tendency to blow things out of proportion and exacerbate their mental problems right? There are natural coping mechanisms people can do to cope with this shit.

If you resort to taking some type of drug for every little problem you have, I think you're a pussy. Obviously there are some cases in which people have to take drugs, which I understand. But from the examples you've given me and your apparent love for drugs, I think you're a dumbass.