New Social Thread

I've been thinking lately - could fog be so material that you could just hang your dick out and you'd have orgasm after a while? You'd come home from a nice morning walk and after few minutes of silence your wife would be like "it's foggy outside isn't it" and you'd play it cool and do like you didn't really realize but you'd know she knows.

Thought for the day:

OCD people should be gay, because massive buttsex orgies is just stacking and organising. It's like the height of human sorting.

:lol: Two of the funniest posts I've seen in at least a week.
I have four new songs up on my myspace page for anyone who's interested. Needless to say, I always appreciate feedback (both good and bad) and I'd be happy even if a few of you just wanted to have a listen for your own amusement. The songs are titled:

"Seeds of Indignity"
"A Vision of Judgment"
"A Western Elegy"
"Locomotive Breath" (Tull, of course :cool:)

The songs are part of a potential album I'm working on that deals with Western history (specifically American) and its gradual descent into nihilism and degradation, and the inherent and inevitable violence that has accompanied the quest westward. I've attempted to take a philosophical approach with the lyrics rather than a strictly narrative approach. Whether or not I've succeeded is up to the listener.

My thanks in advance. And enjoy!
Nah, just sad about parting ways with my best friends for college and what not

Im a crybaby :p

Eh it happens. I was fine through graduation back in the day... I thought I was gonna make it all the way without crying. After the ceremony was over, my friend Chantal gave me a hug... She started to walk away after a few minutes... but crossed eyes with me again and came back. She looked me right in the face, crying, and said "You better hug me again, because I might never see you again."

Absolute utter crushing of my soul and manlyness occured. Blubbering insued.
All of my great friends I met in HS went to the same college I went to. :lol: people were crying at graduation, but we were like "yo sup see you over the summer and then in school br0s"
yeah we all went to school in the Northeast USA. it was hard though when your core group are a year older than you and they all go away to college and you still have a year left. I adjusted pretty easily but for the first month it was really bad.
Last night, I went for a classical-rock fusion concert with whom I consider my closest friend, the same girl because of whom the Males and Females thread was created. When it dawned on us that it could be the last time we met, there was a sense of sadness. The end.
I cried the most at graduation :tickled: and my physics teacher grabs me and shaked me and says "STOP CRYING, HANNAH! NOW!!!"