india: so ronery
My Indian friend won't shut up about how awesome India is and how sketchy Air India is. Is it really true that Nan (spelling?) bread is made by smacking dough against hardened piles of crap?
WTF?! I've never heard that crap about Naans being made that way. Unless of course, he's from rural North India and that's their tr00 way of doing it. Normal people don't go through that shit. [pun not intended]
O rilly? That late?
Same applies to Juggernaut.
I'm taking a class on the British Empire this semester, so I'll probably end up learning a lot about India.
Bahahaha, he's Punjabi![]()
Today I learned that "pajamas" and "bungalo" are Indian words. The more you know.
india: so ronery
Today Ananth almost tricked me into thinking that the first ever English-speaking university was being built in India. Dammit Ananth.
He told me Bangalore got its first Pizza Hut this year once. Can't trust those elephant people.
Is it because the trunk hangs in the front?
Edit: Woops, that's blacks. My bad.
god I can't stand ICP freaks/juggalos/whatever...they're the biggest bunch of inbred redneck idiots.