New Social Thread

i might try OKCupid too, but who knows! Maybe I can try going out and socializing outside of parties with my current friends - in public or something haha
Craigslist > OKCupid > Plentyoffish

that said I haven't logged onto OKCupid since I was 19 and Plentyoffish I just made a troll/joke account on for laughs. Craigslist is still amazing. Everyone on there is at least mildly retarded. I did find a sugar daddy with a girlfriend to take me to a Birthday Massacre concert for free on there a couple years ago. That was nice, he was a decent looking and not retarded guy with no "other" motives.
Even if you play Russian Roulette with no bullets, there's still a chance a plane could fall on you. It's just highly unlikely.
I ended my cell phone plan. I don't think I'm going to use one for a while. I did this for a few reasons: 1) No one ever calls me unless it's to annoy me with something stupid. If someone needs to talk to me, fucking email me, it's free. I know this a novel concept, but seriously. 2) I don't like having to give a phone number to companies so that they can easily reach me for stupid shit like notifying me of a change in my account that I already got an email about 20 fucking times within the past two days. 3) I don't like carrying a phone around and see no point in it. I didn't have a phone up until I was like 19ish and lived just fine. 4) I don't feel like blowing all of my cash on a new phone and a new plan just to be "in" or "down" or "hip" with the times and this amazing new technology. If you own an iPhone and download a bunch of apps, you are stupid and I hate you. Who the fuck needs a level app on their phone? Get a real level dickhead. I hope your phone comes alive and murders you while you sleep.
Once our contracts are up my wife and I are switching to prepaid. Going to save a ton of money and can instantly go offgrid if needed.
I have a GzOne Boulder so I shouldn't need a new phone for years.
I don't like fancy cell phones. My Japanese cell phone is 3G internet capable and I can watch TV on it (was the cheapest model too!), but I don't think I want a smartphone or even a 3G phone when I go back. I hate when you're hanging out in front of Starbucks in lawn chairs with an old friend and he pulls out his phone and says "you have to see this funny thing on Youtube!"

I just want a phone that calls and texts and has a camera. 2.0 MP is more than enough.
my American phone is like that. It's a tiny Nokia and the battery lasts for like 4 days without recharge.

I had a nokia in high school, and that thing was a beast. Battery never died, phone never got scratched. This HTC Hero I have now lasts maybe a day on one charge if I don't use the internet, text, or breathe
What's your new job?

It's another forklift job,i'm no longer in the grocery distribution side of it.I got a job in a waste recycling place.It's pretty funny turning trash into cash.I don't have to touch the trash I just run into it flatout with this bulldozer attachment on the front of my fork and push it onto this conveyor belt thing.It's really fucking satifying and fun.Running over shit and not having to care about breaking shit cause it's all trash...I've been laughing my guts out about it.:headbang: