New Social Thread

So apparently my memory is slightly wrong, in that I blacked out about an hour in the club, during which I am told I just sat there pounding shots. It's weird, because I was mostly sober by the time I left. Fuck, I think I might have a problem.

And so the downfall begins.
So apparently my memory is slightly wrong, in that I blacked out about an hour in the club, during which I am told I just sat there pounding shots. It's weird, because I was mostly sober by the time I left. Fuck, I think I might have a problem.


WAIF become alcoholic, destroyer of senses.
It's just that this is happening routinely. Last Friday I blacked out a few periods of 15 minutes or so, the Friday before that I blacked out and slept in the laundry room...etc. Basically, it seems like I black out at least once a week. That said, I don't feel any particular need for alcohol (didn't drink last night, felt fine, don't usually drink during the week), and there's really nothing wrong with blacking out every once in a while...this is fucking college, after all.
How the fuck do you even have time to do that shit? I'm only taking 16 hours and typically have to exchange a decent night of sleep on Sunday for spending one weekend night with friends.
Blacking out didn't get me in any trouble and I honestly am not sure believe that happened considering I was fairly sober by the time we left the club. I've never fucked up badly while blacked out, it's just slightly distressing when it happens.

Edit: double-ninja'd.
1. I'm in arts. I have work, but I can enjoy the weekends.
2(Dodens). You would have so much more credibility on what is and is not "cool" (a word I never used, there's nothing cool about being embarrassingly drunk) if you didn't live in your parents basement. I'm trying to have a social life, which involves vacant friendships and getting drunk on the weekends. So far it's honestly pretty sweet.

I enjoy the following things:
Heavy fucking metal
My girlfriend
Partying with my schoolmates on friday nights

If that's wrong, I don't want to be right. Or fat. Or live in Illinois.
WAIF's life is the same as mine, except replacing girlfriend with boyfriend and adding random internet crap
Don't become a drunk. Just indulge your sweet tooth. If there's a family history of alcoholism you probably love candy right?

I don't think WAIF is any more of a tool than most of us were when we were in that period in our lives. If anything he's doing better than I did my first year of college. I made the mistake of getting in a serious relationship right away with a dude who had some weird social/self-esteem issues and sort of missed out on lots of social things. Sure I didn't black out much, but I also didn't have more than 3 or 4 close college friends until after we broke up.
I've never been drunk enough to black out, I avoid useless friendships, and I don't like "parties." So I'd say by your definition I'm probably better off. I enjoy drinking good beer, sometimes having some hard liquor or cocktail kinda stuff, hanging out with my friends I've had since HS, etc.
I'm getting really bored of introvert metalheads who refuse to dance, party, talk to people they don't know, or basically enjoy any activities unrelated to the True Metal Lifestyle. It's not just this forum, my bandmates are this way too. Get your head out of your ass, loosen up, and recognize that enjoying mainstream activities doesn't make you a tool.