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I discovered last night that my tolerance for alcohol is much much lower than it was when I was 19 and 20.

I can't exactly remember how much I drank, but it was probably around 7 beers in the span of a whole day. I like being drunk but the pain the day after makes it not so worth it. So hungover today, over the last hour I've been spewing filth from every orifice.

Not drinking again until the 28th unless my friends are assholes and peer pressure me. Which they probably will. Those bastards.
I'm getting really bored of introvert metalheads who refuse to dance, party, talk to people they don't know, or basically enjoy any activities unrelated to the True Metal Lifestyle. It's not just this forum, my bandmates are this way too. Get your head out of your ass, loosen up, and recognize that enjoying mainstream activities doesn't make you a tool.

lolwut bro. I never said I don't do those things. I just don't like most people who do party, and I'd rather just hang out with people I do know rather than form pointless bonds which only distract from my actual life.
Pointless bonds can be so fun. One time I talked to this random fifty-year-old for an hour when I was walking to McDonald's at about three in the morning.
I can't exactly remember how much I drank, but it was probably around 7 beers in the span of a whole day...So hungover today
Wow, that's nothing. But you're a girl, so it's fine.

lolwut bro. I never said I don't do those things. I just don't like most people who do party, and I'd rather just hang out with people I do know rather than form pointless bonds which only distract from my actual life.
I wasn't talking just about you, your post just reminded me of an attitude I encounter a lot.
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I don't respect people who feel they HAVE to get drunk every weekend... If i'm going to drink, it's because I like trying new things, not because I want to get smashed
I don't consider it normal or healthy to get blackout drunk every weekend, but maybe that's just me.

I agree. The problem is that there's a level of drunk where I'm having a great time, and if I could just get there and stay there everything would be fine because at that level I don't even get hungover. However, once I get there I want to keep drinking, apparently because I'm stupid.
That said, I really do enjoy being fairly drunk in an appropriate setting. I hope not to black out next weekend. As far as I can tell, the key is to drink more, but over a longer period of time so you get the same happy drunken state without the blackout or potential vomiting.
Goes without saying, I love to "party" and form pointless bonds with people, because if you get their contact info they go from pointless to very much with a point. Because of this, I have networks of free places to stay and people to hang out with all over Europe and Japan and the U.S.

That said, I don't think True Metalhead Lifestyle is as hikkikomori as you make it sound, WAIF. I was always under the impression that the True Metalhead loved nothing more than headbutting strangers at open-air festivals.
Yeah, one of my female friends is also a pretty impressive drinker, but by and large women can't handle their liquor. For example, both my ex and my current gf initially got with me after getting tipsy from 3 drinks and coming on to me.

I have a pretty respectable tolerance...I don't know anyone who can outdrink me, but then I don't hang out with any alcoholics.
grinding on some girl to Keisha

Because this is fucking stupid and a waste of time. I have no problem hanging out with inferior non-metal scum (I prefer them for the most part), and I don't mind occasional decadence, but I would much rather spend my time talking about something worthwhile for a prolonged period of time in a more laid back setting when I'm taking a break from serious school life.

Basically, what V5 said. Only death is real.
I agree most females can't drink for shit or they just pretend to be drunk because they think they're being cute by acting tipsy which is annoying. I'm usually feelin' it after three drinks so I don't have much room to talk.
It's not stupid and waste of time if you enjoy it.

It's also not automatically lame if you don't like it.

No one lifestyle is cooler than the other.
I have no time to get drunk every weekend as I'm pretty busy with my band, work, uni and girlfriend. Sure, I drink every time at work but that's not much more than 1 or 2 drinks.

I don't understand the "culture" that is to go out almost every weekend and get way more drunk than intended and waking up the following day feeling like absolute shit. I don't find clubbing or barhopping attractive, and I'd rather relax and kick back with a few friends, probably because I've done all that when I just turned 18. And I form pointless bonds with random strangers who are customers in the bar I work at.

@WAIF, I've had the same problem as you in the past with blacking out, and drinking much more after that. After a few too many times though you realize that blacking out can lead to doing immensely stupid shit, and can get you into alot of trouble.
Bar-hopping and pub-crawling is pretty unappealing to me since I've been legal for almost 3 years now. It's one thing to meet up with your friends for some beers or whatever but another entirely to go "hurr I wonder how many bars I can hit in one night brah!" I like clubs but that's because I'm really into the music and dancing aspect.
Ive never understood why people are so obsessed with alcohol either. It can liven up the mood from time to time but theres a point I get to when I realize im starting to become "influenced" and then I stop because I know ill say or do something really stupid to someone. My favorites are the kids who say they can't wait to turn 21 then go out on their birthday when the time comes and drink themselves to the point of mental retardation then get themselves killed in a car crash or die of alcohol poisoning.