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Getting tan is exactly why white people age like shit. They are not designed to be tan and it gives them wrinkles but so many retards go out without protection and get sunburned. Of course there are genetic factors too. MP is paler than KD and wears sunscreen religiously but he still has crows' feet at age 25.

Asians are obsessed with sunscreen and creams and shit. Japanese chicks carry parasols and wear elbow length gloves in the summer. They look ridiculous but on the flip side they look awesome when they're 45 and still wrinkle-free.

The moral of the story is wear sunscreen I guess.

High five Episteme. I HATE being tan but I already have started getting dark simply from walking to work. It's not even spring yet!

sloughfeg that totally made my day. I love you.


This is Fukuoka City. I don't live here, I live in a rural town an hour and a half away. Fukuoka is also the name of the prefecture so I just say that cause it's easier.


This is the back of my apartment building (creepy that it's on Google Images)


These are chimneys formerly used for coal mining; I walk past them every day going to and coming home from work