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Oh really? That's interesting. Is it hindering you in your daily life? Are you in any kind of treatment? I'm currently in cognitive behavioral therapy, my second try in the twelve years that have passed since I was diagnosed.
It depends on whether I'm out or at home. When I'm out, chillin' with friends, I can "turn it off", if you will, and act like a "normal" human being, despite still getting sorta bugged by it. But at home, the rest of my family munches out on low-end, greasy fast foods all the time then touches everything in the goddamn house, so I gotta wash my hands after touching anything. The fridge, the pantry, etc. Not in any kind of treatment or anything, although I was briefly on anxiety meds which had no effect. I do find that smoking pot lessens the compulsiveness somewhat though.
Got a job processing meat at a factory. It doesn't sound it, but I can pretty much guarantee it will be better than the sales job I had.
My job is the worst...granted it's just part-time to put beer in my mug but it stings knowing I took a >$10/hour pay cut and now I am punching numbers off delivery tickets for milk shipments to Walmart.
Sales is an interesting sort of job. Seems like the people who are really good at it tend to be the type who end up running companies -- outgoing and competitive, with a good eye for opportunity. Pretty miserable way to make a living if you're not that type though, haha.
I did sales for two years, I almost never had returns, but I also was continuously scolded for not forcing shit on people.

The irony was I led my store in sales for like a year while being continuously scolded for not following company protocol. On the flip side, I wasted time processing return upon return from sales one of the company "golden boys" made.He kept his numbers looking good by selling shit other people didnt need to them, faster than previous buyers could return it.
Sales is one of the worst things you could do unless you're knowledgeable about a certain product enough to where you could make huge amounts of money doing it. I couldn't sell an alcoholic free beer though, so sales is definitely not for me.

A lot of the position in financial firms involve sales of some sort. I would go to interviews and they'd tell me that the next step would be to contact people I know and ask if they would be interested in doing business with me and I was all 'Fuck that.'
Yeah if you can show a company that you're good at growing their customer base and opening up new sources of income you're gonna do pretty well.
I work in sales/retail on the strip, at Swatch, lol. With commission, I run atbou $10.50-11 an hour, and when we bonus (which was all the time last year, and only a couple months this year) my hourly is around $13-13.50. It's an alright job, I have good coworkers, it's pretty laid back, but it gets boring as hell sometimes (i.e. a few customers walking in during the timespan of an hour).
I listened to some tapes of LBJ on cspan radio this afternoon while driving, conversations between him and some of his advisers about the vietnam war while he was president. What a hick. Hard to believe someone that uneducated/un-mentally-disciplined was in charge of our foreign policy.