New Social Thread

I have two job interviews/orientations in the next two weeks. One is with a K-12 tutoring agency, and another is with an all-ages learning center. And then I had a third tutoring agency after me, and they were sending me emails trying to get the interview process set up, and then they just stopped replying to me for some unknown reason.

I also had a college in Illinois wanting to interview me and I didn't even know about it because I almost never check the voicemail on my phone. So I found out about it like a month after they called me. But the position wouldn't have been worth it anyway (teaching one class apparently; have me teach maybe three classes and then we'll talk.) I've realized that it makes a lot more sense for me to focus on getting teaching work here in AZ, but all the jobs are taken right now! Anyway, I'm not terribly worried since I have other options. And I'm applying to PhD programs this semester. Man, I reeeeaaaalllllly wanna do my PhD.

Other than that there's nothing going on in my life whatsoever. :erk:

Holy shit, if you moved to anywhere in Illinois I'd be very happy.
Those don't quite describe what I was thinking. It's like something that is annoying and amusing at the same time but sort of not quite either.
I want an Irish wolfhound. Look at this adorable/shaggy mofo:
lol I hate how people treat dogs like they're special and shit. dogs are fucking useless and stupid beggars without self-respect, unlike Kats.
Spoil a dog, feed it, groom it, love it, and it thinks that you are God.

Spoil a cat, feed it, groom it, love it, and it thinks that it is God.
lol I hate how people treat dogs like they're special and shit. dogs are fucking useless and stupid beggars without self-respect, unlike Kats.

That's because you're a piece of shit.

Anyone who has trained a dog knows what rewards come. Get yourself a pit (if you have the balls) from the pound, train it and see if you don't have a bond that is unbreakable. That Dog would not only die for you but love and respect you for the leadership role you play daily, and in your own life, gaining some perspective and respect for animal life. Dogs are simply amazing.

I like cats but for the most part they are for lazy people and the old.
lol I hate how people treat dogs like they're special and shit. dogs are fucking useless and stupid beggars without self-respect, unlike Kats.

cat people are probably the ones who would abort a child if they knew it was going to be born with super challenging retardation or whatever. not willing to sacrifice their lives for the good of their charges.

i'm a cat person for sure. dogs are food.