New Social Thread

zabu of nΩd;9960171 said:
I listened to some tapes of LBJ on cspan radio this afternoon while driving, conversations between him and some of his advisers about the vietnam war while he was president. What a hick. Hard to believe someone that uneducated/un-mentally-disciplined was in charge of our foreign policy.

And our domestic policy. LBJ compounded the damage done by FDR.

Is there something you're not telling us, Laura?
Sooooooo, long time no talk everybodyyyy. I recently decided to release all the glitch-hop that I have completed up till now, so here is a link to any of those who might be interested. I always work things to death and therefore never finish anything, so regardless of the quality of the output, here it is.

uh yeah
I have an interview in about 2.5 hours. It's for a position where I currently work. I was on vacation this whole week and I didn't really think about the interview (at least get fucking neurotic about it) until this morning. Now I just want it to be over..
I have two job interviews/orientations in the next two weeks. One is with a K-12 tutoring agency, and another is with an all-ages learning center. And then I had a third tutoring agency after me, and they were sending me emails trying to get the interview process set up, and then they just stopped replying to me for some unknown reason.

I also had a college in Illinois wanting to interview me and I didn't even know about it because I almost never check the voicemail on my phone. So I found out about it like a month after they called me. But the position wouldn't have been worth it anyway (teaching one class apparently; have me teach maybe three classes and then we'll talk.) I've realized that it makes a lot more sense for me to focus on getting teaching work here in AZ, but all the jobs are taken right now! Anyway, I'm not terribly worried since I have other options. And I'm applying to PhD programs this semester. Man, I reeeeaaaalllllly wanna do my PhD.

Other than that there's nothing going on in my life whatsoever. :erk:

That's rough.

I also really want to do my PhD, and it's looking more and more like that's going to be very difficult, namely because the work preparing for these adjunct classes is taking a significant amount of time every single day, and I'm supposed to be taking the GRE Subject Exam in Literature in October, and if I can't get enough studying in I'm not going to perform well on it.
Anyone interested in buying a 16gb wifi iPad 2? I've been in need of updating my laptop (aka buying a new one) so I don't really need this iPad. It comes with the smart cover, but no box. It's white in color and only a couple months old (I've had it a couple weeks is all). It like new, and if you want I can upload a video of me using it here later.

Asking $365 shipped, paypal only of course.
Been here a fuckload time ago but it didn't took me long to figure out that mainly old geeks are still posting here. No new figures? Just you old bastards?

Something actually new happened here or were there any hellawaitsusall douche-like sensations lately? Or just "same shit, different day"?