New Social Thread

Same here. It's like an excuse for people to fuel anti-Muslim sentiment disguised as patriotism. Also, dwelling on bad things from the past annoys me.






America. Fuck yeah.
It is crazy how one of the earliest secular nations and most developed nations in the world could be so ruled by its religion.
I watched Loose Change and it was probably one of the biggest wastes of time of my entire life.
I watched Loose Change and it was probably one of the biggest wastes of time of my entire life.

I didn't make it past the first 20 minutes. However, to suggest that the west had no involvement in the planning/funding/execution of the 9/11 attacks is just retarded.`

Anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron tbh. Capital accumulation in anarchy would be rather difficult.Free-market economics =/= capitalism.

Economics Nazi.
I still remember where I was and what I did on 9/11. I was in a friend's basement playing on his bass guitar while he was eating dinner. When he returned he said that war had broke out in New York and that it was full of planes. Partly correct, but something of an overstatement.
It was like the second or third day of 7th grade for me. We were called into the gym for an assembly where the principal told us that some planes crashed into the Twin Towers. All the classrooms had TVs so we got the rest of the story soon thereafter. It was weird. And for most people my age, it was the first time I ever heard of Islam. The kids of Arab or pseudo-Arab heritage in my school had quite a hard time that year.
I was in fourth grade, and I was mad that everyone's parents were picking them up from school but mine.
3rd grade, woke up and my mom was in the kitchen watching the little tv and I was like what's happening? and she said there was a big fire in new york. I remember seeing the burning buildings on the little black and white telly...then vaguely learning details during school and I was excited our homework was to watch tv and do a little report on it.