New Social Thread

I was 15 and watched it on tv during school (pretty sure we had a full day of school still). I was very ignorant at the time, so the significance of it didn't really sink in.

I don't think i could really think about shit like that (or politics in general) in an adult way until i was like 22, lol
I was in 6th Grade, so I was 11 or 12 at the time. All I remember is seeing it on a television in the middle of class. I don't remember much, I've been blazing often lately and frying my brain cells. :V
I was in 9th grade, woke up and walked into the living room to see the second plane hit the tower. I was like WHOA WUT'S GOING ON. Then my parents told me what happened, and I didn't believe them. For some reason when I got to school, it was a HUGE matter. Our dean of students who had no family or friends in New York was literally choking in tears...
I was in New Zealand when the london attacks happened and I remember it being on the news that someone had immediately gone to the main mosque in Auckland and sprayed RIP LONDON on it in red paint.
I only care because people still believe the "official version". While no single conspiracy theory is without some problems, the official story is completely unbelievable.

Even the 9/11 commission said so (paraphrased).

Oh yeah, and the fact that the DHS/TSA/Patriot Act are still around. Edit: And we can never bring back the hundreds of thousands of dead people that have died since, due to the ridiculous militant reaction.
What is your version of the events?

Some planes took off with people on them who were never seen again, and some planes hit some buildings (not the Pentagon though). Plane impact/Jet fuel fires did not bring down the WTT.

Various elements of the Bush Administration/CIA/Pentagon (+ others?) planned/assisted the events (utilizing their "mujahideen" database for scapegoats), and then covered it up and seized the opportunity to expand the war/spook departments, create extreme domestic controls, and destabilize the geopolitical landscape in the middle east in the West's favor.

The means, motive, and opportunity were all present for the Bush Administration (which had generational ties to the CIA/DoD). There was at best, a questionable motive for "islamic operatives" attacking the WTC, and no means or opportunity without inside help.
If the press can get everyone to buy into a very believable story, then the laughter at conspiracy theories would prevent them from really gaining any ground. The government wouldn't need to hide any information because people wouldn't believe it anyway.
Oh wow. I knew Dakryn was a hilarious conspiracy theorist but I didn't realize he went that far...

The hilarious conspiracy theory is that some guys living in caves in Afghanistan conspired to get into the country, get 2nd rate flight training on small airplanes, then managed to get on/hijack/divert 4 commercial liners, and fly them with skill that eludes professional commecrial liner pilots, all while managing to elude all safety measures and alarms, to include supposedly managing to hit the Pentagon itself.

With no assistance. Sure.
Some planes took off with people on them who were never seen again, and some planes hit some buildings (not the Pentagon though). Plane impact/Jet fuel fires did not bring down the WTT.

Various elements of the Bush Administration/CIA/Pentagon (+ others?) planned/assisted the events (utilizing their "mujahideen" database for scapegoats), and then covered it up and seized the opportunity to expand the war/spook departments, create extreme domestic controls, and destabilize the geopolitical landscape in the middle east in the West's favor.

The means, motive, and opportunity were all present for the Bush Administration (which had generational ties to the CIA/DoD). There was at best, a questionable motive for "islamic operatives" attacking the WTC, and no means or opportunity without inside help.

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