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I'd imagine tonal languages like Chinese are much worse for that than English

Yeah, I think so too. I think languages like Chinese as such are pictogram based (or used to be anyway). We're just not used to it because of the completely different alphabet. I still think it'll be hard as hell.

I've got a friend who picks up languages easily, he speaks Japanese and Chinese fluently and in the proper accent and he can speak other Asian languages and some European, as well as Afrikaans and Swahili (he's South African). No idea how the fuck he does it.
Yeah, I think so too. I think languages like Chinese as such are pictogram based (or used to be anyway). We're just not used to it because of the completely different alphabet. I still think it'll be hard as hell.

I've got a friend who picks up languages easily, he speaks Japanese and Chinese fluently and in the proper accent and he can speak other Asian languages and some European, as well as Afrikaans and Swahili (he's South African). No idea how the fuck he does it.

That sounds like Vigo Mortensen. I could verify by looking him up on Wikipedia (but I don't feel like it), but I'm pretty sure he's fluent in about 7 languages. That was a big reason Peter Jackson cast him in the LOTR trilogy, because it made it easy for him to learn his Elvish dialogue.
That sounds like Zeph.

I'm no good at speaking other languages, actually. My French is OK, and I can get by passibly in Italy and Germany. My strength is acquiring language by association with other languages. I'm very good at spotting linguistic patterns across languages and use those associations to build vocabulary and meaning. Knowing Latin & Greek basically makes learning any other European language much easier.
I tend to pick up accents and language easier after prolonged exposure to a certain one and having a conversation. I could make small talk with the German girl I was seeing, mind you she helped me quite abit. Now my German's ganna go to shit because she's gone and I got no one to practise with.
I was so high yesterday I told this random girl from one of my classes that I ran into that I'm "broke as a turtle." I know it sounds stupid, but think about how much money the average turtle has.
I wish I were there.

True story: I take a bag to work with me to hold all of my shit (keys, wallet, chap stik, phone charger, etc.) instead of lugging it around in my pockets because that's annoying. Well this morning I sat it down on the couch to put my shirt on and ended up walking out of the house and driving half way to work before I realized it. Luckily I brought my lunch today or else I would have been really annoyed.

The shitty part was I had planned on making a trip to the Starbucks to buy some whole bean coffee and a venti cup to drink. That and I needed gas because my shit was close to E. But luckily I knew that even though my car was close to E I had at least three gallons of gas left because the gas light hadn't switched on (fun fact for those who didn't know). And then once I get to work I found out our system is down because of some faulty update that fubared the software overnight. So we were all basically back in the stoneage hand writing shit on pads of paper and trying to figure out how to do stuff normally I don't even think of doing.

So ya, this morning was fucked. No gas, no wallet, no pcs at work, and worst of all, NO COFFEE. AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh