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Anyone here ever work for UPS? Just wondering. My brother just got a job there as a package handler and I'm just wondering what he's in for. I think he wants to drive/deliver but I guess you have to wait/seniority.
Anyone here ever work for UPS? Just wondering. My brother just got a job there as a package handler and I'm just wondering what he's in for. I think he wants to drive/deliver but I guess you have to wait/seniority.

My brother worked for them and I have two friends who used to as well.

They start everyone out at part-time, but you get paid pretty well for that and you can get benefits. As for entry-level positions, the two basic jobs are loaders and unloaders, which are pretty self-explanatory. You're basically throwing boxes around for 5-6 hours a night. It's not hard, gets you a good workout, but it is what it is.
I've considered quitting my current job and doing that. I have some experience working in a warehouse and the stress has to be pretty low if you're just loading or unloading trucks (or you would think it is).
I didn't say they start great. Working in Receiving, I see UPS drivers all the time, and I've never heard them complain about the company. They tell me they get great benefits and decent pay, so I take their word for it
@ King & Unknown, I don't know 8.50 an hr sounds a bit low.

Ya starting out they don't get paid that much, but if you aren't a complete moron they give raises fairly quickly. You could easily be making over $11/hr part-time in a year or so. However, the fact that they offer insurance while working part-time is really awesome.

Your goal wouldn't be to stay in the processing centers though, although if you did, do what you have to to get into one of the manager positions. They make pretty good cash. Obviously if you're serious about working there you want to become a driver because they make a shit load of money. The driver we have at work makes close to $80k a year and has eight weeks of vacation he's mandated to take. HOWEVER, their vacation pay is not the same as any other company. Considering that UPS drivers work closer to 12 hour days, their vacation days are determined upon their average work week in terms of hours. So in most companies, it's based off of a 40 hour week, because that's standard. However, my driver at work says his vacations are 47 hours, which means he's paid seven hours of overtime for every week vacation he has. That, my friends, is fucking BOMB.

I didn't say they start great. Working in Receiving, I see UPS drivers all the time, and I've never heard them complain about the company. They tell me they get great benefits and decent pay, so I take their word for it

Eh, I've heard quite a lot of complaints, but mostly due to political bs which comes with the territory with any big corporation.
I may be spending the next couple of years in a city whose name literally means "day sweat." On the upside it has twelve million people.
I really should start cleaning up my room and surrounding area, at least get my clothes off the floor and such. My collection of wandering CDs isn't such a concern for me, but the clothes and papers everywhere just very messy.
So yesterday while I was at work someone jumped off the roof of our parking garage. I heard that he was an employee & had just gotten fired. Pretty fucked up. Now everytime I am parking or leaving I am going to have that thought. :erk:
I hate living in a mess. I need to read more quickly as well. I'm always fucking overdue at the library. Might as well put a tent up outside the library or sleep inside.
As i am sure you are all wondering where I am currently and what I'm up to, I shall now put your worried minds at ease. I am currently on holiday in Port Douglas in far north Queensland. The last four days have consisted of sun, swimming, beer, cocktails and great food with great people. And I still have a week of this to go. I shall now return to said activities, comforted in the knowledge of your sated minds. That is all.